Being 18 & living with Hyperhidrosis


Well-known member
:oops: hey im 18 yrs old and have hyperhidrosis....ive had it my whole life and i hate it,im in my last year of high school and just wondering if any1 else who has hyperhidrosis that finished thier hsc,how did they get through it,we have thin paper,were stuck in a muggy hall for so long and my hands sweat. so if any1 can help plz do so....thanku
dude first relax, 3/4 of hiperhidrosis cases are imagined-hiperhidrosis. U do however have a nervous problem. that ill bet anything. dont look for surgery, dont look for drugs. Exercise!!! lots of cardio! everyday or every other day!!! 30 minutes around! or do aerobics at the gym. ur gonna see that gradrually, IF YOU KEEP DOING IT, you will sweat less and less!!!!!!! i garantee it!!!You will see, you will outgrow it with age, maybe next year and as you grow older, i know its hard right now, because it seems real bad..but trust me.


Well-known member
its not stress or anything like that!!

hey im not stressing,i do alot of exercise now and it doesnt help at all,im looking at surgery coz it will stop it,u of all people sholud understand how bad it is.......i hate it!!!


Well-known member
I just graduated high school last year and I've had palmar HH most of my life. I try not to think about it too much, but I'm sorry to say that there is not much you can do. I've tried the Drionic machine, and do not recommend it. I'm about to try Maxim, and I'll let you know if that works. In the meantime, just try to remember that you're not alone! :)


Well-known member
I just graduated high school last year and I've had palmar HH most of my life. I try not to think about it too much, but I'm sorry to say that there is not much you can do. I've tried the Drionic machine, and do not recommend it. I'm about to try Maxim, and I'll let you know if that works. In the meantime, just try to remember that you're not alone! :)


Well-known member
If Martin had real hyperhidrosis, he would have never posted those comments. People who have to live with it everyday of their lives know that the sweating has nothing to do with nervousness or lack of exercise. Hyperhidrosis is a physiological defect that causes our hands, feet, and underarms to sweat uncontrollably regardless of temperature and/or mental state.


Well-known member
Mine was caused from anxiety. In all types of weather or temps, I'd sweat (even in a cold storage warehouse. How ridiculous is that, some guy in a snowman parka and me in a t-shirt sweating(?) Freakin' idiotic). I'd sweat at work and completely soak my shirt. I'd wear a bandana around my head with a couple Bounty paper towels folded in, and in an hour the whole thing would be saturated to the point of dripping.

Ridiculous. So I slathered drysol all over the top of my head, my chest, lower back, and thighs and wrapped the areas in plastic food wrap. It tingled like an SOB for about 3 hours, the itched like another SOB all night, but the next day, ZERO perspiration. Sure, it compensated in areas like the back of my neck and back (that I couldn't reach), my arms, and the haired areas on my head. Otherwise, it was a huge relief and I finally didn't feel so freakin' freakish on the dock. Exercise? Yeah, maybe that helps some people, but I was unloading/ loading tons of frozen food, shampoo, TP, you name it, all day/ full shifts/ a box at a time. I still sweated like a mofo and I was in great shape.

Drysol. I know it only treats the symptoms, but those symptoms were exacerbating my anxiety. Has anyone tried using it on their hands?


Well-known member
hey i'm 18 too and i have sweaty hands and feet. my underarms sweat moderately but i can control that with driclor (ie if i know i'll be going out the next day/night, i'll apply driclor to my arms the night before) i have tried a number of things to try and get rid of this EMBARASSING condition :oops: :oops: :oops: i've had hyperhidrosis (as far as i can remember...) since i was about 13, and since then it's got worse, and now i spose it's reached it's peak. it's weird, i can't remember any instances of being sweaty when i was maybe it's only just kicked in since teen years. anyhoo, started with just wiping hands, then tried driclor, which was successful for underarms, then tried iontophoresis (or however it's spelt) that was a load of dogshit - prob worked for an hour before my hands sweated again then moved onto BOTOX. botox injections in my hands were bloody painful and they were somewhat successful. however, botox only dried up parts of my hands :( the fingertips and base of my hands still i can't say it was entirely successful. but it was alright for the meantime, like having to go to Yr 12 presentation and graduation etc (shit i hate those kind of occasions - handshakes are my worst enemy :cry: ) so yeah i got botox done about 5 months ago, and i think it's actually starting to wear off so i'm desperate for new options. i could go for botox again, but what i've found, since i got botox done, is that the backs of my legs sweat a bit, but not excessively - and i'm worried that if i go for the sympathectomy, i'll be fucked, as you apparently get compensatory sweating. it's a lose/lose situation it seems! :cry:
what i wanna know is, can't they just remove sweat glands from your body!!?!?!?! i know i sound like some naive lil knob, but this condition is so incredibly frustrating - i love it when my hands and feet are dry (which is prob about 60% of the time) and i long for "normality" everyday i observe people's dry hands and feet and cringe with jealousy and embarrassment and think "WHY ME!?!?" :(

most time's HH doesn't get to me and i can usually emerge from a situation unembarrassed. i'm not devoid of a social life, and i have lots of friends of both sexes who know and understand my condition, so making friends or anything doesn't bother me. the only thing that bothers me is that i can't feel comfortable in my environment, particularly a new environment where i have to meet new people, or a stressful situation eg presentation night / dancing with a partner etc

soooo for you Shell, i don't think my hands interfered all that much in my HSC which i did last yr and i got a UAI of 95.2 in. in the exams just wipe ur hands on ur skirt/dress every time they become overbearingly sweaty. my hands have never really fucked up the paper i write on cuz the sides arent that just think positively (as hard as that is during the hsc, with sweaty hands to ADD to the already huge amounts of stress) and you'll find that you'll become so engaged in the writing of the exam that your hands won't bother you that much :)


Well-known member
It seems like there are a lot of 18 year olds posting on this site. I'm 18 too...just wanted to let everyone know that I think it's really great to be able to talk about this and help eachother out. I know that I've been shy about this my whole life and I've never actually told anyone about my HH in person...I've always come up with some excuse. Just out of curiousity... anyone from Eastern US?


Im 18 too! haha. And im pretty sure i have Hyperhidrosis, because my hands sweat non stop during winter/summer if im cold or hot doesn't matter.
When I take my shoes off my socks and shoes are damp. I can't wear heels because i need socks to abosrb the sweat.

I hate it so much. Im not open about it at all and I hate when people see my hands its like they are really red and wet all the time.

I dont drive anymore coz im scared of sweating on the wheel, i hate paying for items co of the extended arm. Avoid hand shakes and touchning people.

I always wear jeans coz its asy to wip ethe sweat off. I really want surgury. Im gonna go to the doc tomorrow and see what she suggests. I hate it sooo much


WEll, I ain't 18 anymore, but that's about the age when I started noticing, that suddenly, I think it was suddenly, I would feel kinda wet and look down at my underarms and they were soaked. And I was wearing a business suit, getting up in front of a bunch of people about 130 of them, and giving 5 to 10 minute speeches. I'm 21 now, btw. I never realized it was a medical condition until a couple of months ago. I just thought I was awful nervous or something, and usually, was, because every time I extended my arm, whammo, sweaty underarm in full view of everybody. So I'm sure y'all know what I'm talking about when I say it became a vicious circle, nervous apprehension before even getting ready to go to those speech meetings, freakin out if I had to get up on the platform to talk, and not much participation when part of the audience, cause whammo, sweaty underarm.

I only have a few shirts I can wear that don't show it up real bad, and I can only wear one suit, it's black, and salt stains are showing. I got some certain dri brand anti persperant the other day, going to try that first. I just found out this is treatable. Anybody know what to try next if this doesn't work?


WEll, I ain't 18 anymore, but that's about the age when I started noticing, that suddenly, I think it was suddenly, I would feel kinda wet and look down at my underarms and they were soaked. And I was wearing a business suit, getting up in front of a bunch of people about 130 of them, and giving 5 to 10 minute speeches. I'm 21 now, btw. I never realized it was a medical condition until a couple of months ago. I just thought I was awful nervous or something, and usually, was, because every time I extended my arm, whammo, sweaty underarm in full view of everybody. So I'm sure y'all know what I'm talking about when I say it became a vicious circle, nervous apprehension before even getting ready to go to those speech meetings, freakin out if I had to get up on the platform to talk, and not much participation when part of the audience, cause whammo, sweaty underarm.

I only have a few shirts I can wear that don't show it up real bad, and I can only wear one suit, it's black, and salt stains are showing. I got some certain dri brand anti persperant the other day, going to try that first. I just found out this is treatable. Anybody know what to try next if this doesn't work?


New member
I am 24 and suffered from hyperhidrosis since the age of 12. I have in in the underarms and plams. I work as a manager in an office and have to wear my jacket all day because regardless of the weather i sweat. Driving my car, my hands sometimes slip off the wheel!
I would always wear white t shirts so that the sweat was not visiable but not the best wardrobe in the world!!

About 2 years ago, i went to my doctor, and we went through all of the normal stuff, driclor etc etc, all of which was useless.

I was then referred to a consultant surgeon, who perscribed me bromide, which had a small effect but not good enough.

Last week I underwent surgery (thorascopic sypathectomy) who worked instantly. My hands and underarms are totally dry. I have some compensatory sweating on my trunk but i can handle that.

The side effects are rare, although I do now have some back pain, but they have told me this will go in about a month.

This operation has changed my life and anyone who suffers should do it. The UK NHS russhed me in and i only waited 6 weeks.


New member
Hi, I never knew there were so many people who suffered from the excessive sweating! I'm 16 and I had palmer hyperhdrosis since I was about 9. It never seemed too bad until I reached the age of 11/12 when the sweating became severely bad. I could'nt write properly at school because I would soak the paper through. Playing sport, again at school was a nightmare-as I'm sure most people who have it will agree with me! To people who don't suffer from hyperhydrosis-it seems digusting and dirty-I can remember being at school and other people saying, "Err your hands are all wet, thats horrible!" If I came into contact with them. This obviously knocked my confidence and I was a very shy person. I think after so long and after trying numerous different solutions to try and help it, your willing to do anything to make it stop. Last year I had the ETS surgery and I have never looked back. The results are so amazing, I really recommend anyone who suffers to have the surgery. I am SO much more confident now. I can go out with people and not be afraid to hold their hands or touch them now...


New member
Jeeves said:
I got some certain dri brand anti persperant the other day, going to try that first. I just found out this is treatable. Anybody know what to try next if this doesn't work?

HI Jeeves and everyone. I am putting together a site on hyperhidrosis treatments - you might want to check it out at:

You'll see that exists in order to bring you relevant information on hyperhidrosis, excessive sweat topics, different hyperhidrosis treatments such as Ionotophoresis, antiperspirants, Botox medication and several other methods of combating palmar hyperhidrosis, pedal hyperhidrosis and other variations of excessive sweat. If you have any input or questions please do not hesitate to drop me an e-mail.


New member
Dear HH sufferer,
Like all of you I've been suffering since I was 10 years old, I'll be 50 years old this Dec. 2005. I was thinking that should I have this problem till I die? I know there is a cure, but why they don't develop it. Anyway, at least I found a new temporary remedy and this is Drionic machine. My message to HH sufferer is don't give up easily, use drionic constantly even more than 20 times and you will see improvement little by little. Me myself almost given up after 15 days of continously using it but I was surprise after that 15 days there was a rapid improvement. Up to now I'm still using drionic and because I've been suffering for such a long time I am determined to use it longer & frequently, I really hate this sweat which really resraint me to live normal social life and had put me to lot of embarassment. So please fellow HH sufferer don't give up!


New member
Anonymous said:
hey i'm 18 too and i have sweaty hands and feet. my underarms sweat moderately but i can control that with driclor (ie if i know i'll be going out the next day/night, i'll apply driclor to my arms the night before) i have tried a number of things to try and get rid of this EMBARASSING condition :oops: :oops: :oops: i've had hyperhidrosis (as far as i can remember...) since i was about 13, and since then it's got worse, and now i spose it's reached it's peak. it's weird, i can't remember any instances of being sweaty when i was maybe it's only just kicked in since teen years. anyhoo, started with just wiping hands, then tried driclor, which was successful for underarms, then tried iontophoresis (or however it's spelt) that was a load of dogshit - prob worked for an hour before my hands sweated again then moved onto BOTOX. botox injections in my hands were bloody painful and they were somewhat successful. however, botox only dried up parts of my hands :( the fingertips and base of my hands still i can't say it was entirely successful. but it was alright for the meantime, like having to go to Yr 12 presentation and graduation etc (shit i hate those kind of occasions - handshakes are my worst enemy :cry: ) so yeah i got botox done about 5 months ago, and i think it's actually starting to wear off so i'm desperate for new options. i could go for botox again, but what i've found, since i got botox done, is that the backs of my legs sweat a bit, but not excessively - and i'm worried that if i go for the sympathectomy, i'll be fucked, as you apparently get compensatory sweating. it's a lose/lose situation it seems! :cry:
what i wanna know is, can't they just remove sweat glands from your body!!?!?!?! i know i sound like some naive lil knob, but this condition is so incredibly frustrating - i love it when my hands and feet are dry (which is prob about 60% of the time) and i long for "normality" everyday i observe people's dry hands and feet and cringe with jealousy and embarrassment and think "WHY ME!?!?" :(

most time's HH doesn't get to me and i can usually emerge from a situation unembarrassed. i'm not devoid of a social life, and i have lots of friends of both sexes who know and understand my condition, so making friends or anything doesn't bother me. the only thing that bothers me is that i can't feel comfortable in my environment, particularly a new environment where i have to meet new people, or a stressful situation eg presentation night / dancing with a partner etc

soooo for you Shell, i don't think my hands interfered all that much in my HSC which i did last yr and i got a UAI of 95.2 in. in the exams just wipe ur hands on ur skirt/dress every time they become overbearingly sweaty. my hands have never really fucked up the paper i write on cuz the sides arent that just think positively (as hard as that is during the hsc, with sweaty hands to ADD to the already huge amounts of stress) and you'll find that you'll become so engaged in the writing of the exam that your hands won't bother you that much :)

as i read this, i thought you were talking about me. I'm 19 now and i can remember having HH since i was about 12ish. It has been no less than hell living day to day. Unlike yourself, my social situation isn't as nice. None of my friends know that i have this condition, and i've only had 2 girlfriends because of it. Besides the two girls, and my family, no one knows i have this. It's so much pressure and stress to try and hide it, but i feel that if I announce it, i may be looked at in a whole new way, which as my thinking tells me, will be in a negative way.

i'm so happy i found this forum, because i can finally interact with fellow HH people.