Behavior Therapy


Well-known member
Hello Everyone,

I've always had certain OCD traits my entire life, but they were all very far from life changing. It became more obvious when I was in college, but it wasn't as bad yet since I was able to still live a somewhat normal life.

I'd say things got worst when I graduated from college a few years ago. I guess the change in life and not knowing what I wanted to do for the rest of my life was one of the factors which contributed to this.

These past five years have been horrible for me. Sometimes I wish I was in a bad dream and would finally wake up from it. But of course, that's not realistic. Anyway, recently, I've been trying my best to overcome this. I bought a book Freedom from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A Personalized Recovery by Johnathan Grayson. It definitely had somethings helpful to keep in mind. Something that the book talked about and what most online sites I've been reading has been beahavioral therapy. Exposure to your compulsions and living with the uncertaininty factor.

I've been trying this for a few months, but these urges and compulsions just make life so damn uncomfortable for me. I'm not on medication or seeing a therapist. I guess part of the reason is the financial aspect of it.

I was just wondering if anyone who has been doing exposure therapy has any advice on overcoming the urges and dealing with the uncomfortable state. I mean, do you just take the mental stress and deal with it?


Urge surfing is how it's called in the latest ACT self-help workbook I read. Life has become one huge exposure therapy session for me. With ACT we don't try to avoid our feelings, thoughts, memories etc. We only try to avoid avoidance.
I'm going through the same thing. With me, when I have an urge I have to try and find something else to occupy my time (even though its difficult). Currently, I have a really odd ritual of making sure I haven't put a scratch or dent in things that I bump into or that my nails run past. I rub the spot that I feel like I may have left a mark on until I'm convinced there's no mark. If it's clothes, then I have to rub until I can feel the fibers of the material. It's driving me crazy! But I talked to my psychologist and we figured out how this ritual started and why I do it. For me, it came from a mark on my favorite handbag and my fear of causing harm to people. Maybe if you ask yourself these questions, it'll help you find out why you do the rituals. Good luck!
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