Been blocked on MSN


I've Just added this person on msn, we chatted a little. all the sudden he went offline. I checked on some block checker sites and it turned out his status is currently online. and now I'm thinking why the hell did he block me?
I read what I said on the chat over and over again, I just don't see any reason why he would block me.. I absolutely didn't do or say anything wrong.
but gosh, I feel so guilty I don't know why? and depressed cuz I feel rejected. I'm serious, right now, I just wanna cry or something.
I don't know why the fuck did he block me, But I'm sure I didn't do or say anything wrong.


I don't know him. I just added him cuz he's also a fan of my favourite band.
and all we did was chat about the band.
The last thing I said to him was 'Are there any forums for arabian fans of this band' Cuz I'm arabian. and he's arabian too, so I thought maybe he knows, but he Just answered curtly 'No.' and suddenly went offline.


Kritikal said:
Who cares, lol.

You rang? lol

Seriously, we tend to be oversensitive and have rejection issues. i used to think that way, wondering why i didn't have the feedback i expected, then i learned to devaluate that feeling.
Maybe he went offline, maybe he blocked you... and so what? no biggy...

(protip: online block checkers aren't reliable :wink: )


whocares said:
Seriously, we tend to be oversensitive and have rejection issues. i used to think that way, wondering why i didn't have the feedback i expected, then i learned to devaluate that feeling.
Maybe he went offline, maybe he blocked you... and so what? no biggy...

Yea you're right. who cares why he blocked me? All I know is, I didn't do or say anything wrong! that's for sure!

whocares said:
(protip: online block checkers aren't reliable :wink: )

Not all of them, though.


That's the spirit!!

The thing about block checkers is that recently Microsoft changed the protocol . if you go to your msn privacy settings you'll see an option something like "only users in my allow list can see my...", if that option is ticked, block checkers won't work, as this option is marked by defect (and usually nobody changes it), block checkers are worthless.


whocares said:
That's the spirit!!

The thing about block checkers is that recently Microsoft changed the protocol . if you go to your msn privacy settings you'll see an option something like "only users in my allow list can see my...", if that option is ticked, block checkers won't work, as this option is marked by defect (and usually nobody changes it), block checkers are worthless.

Aha, ok. Thanks for the information. :)


Another thing to remember is over msn and stuff people can be really fickle,he might of just been busy but instead of doing the decent thing and saying ill get back to you.... blocked you.Not cos you did anything wrong but cos hes an insensative.... *insert appropiate offensive word*.


Well-known member
I sort of agree with the above poster. Maybe he was busy and just simply did not want to tell you that. I have done that in the past. Maybe in a way it seemed the better thing to do.