become to desperate for contact to a friend


Active member
I have become so attachted.. it's so not funny. To actually have someone around is the greatest feeling esp when you have had nobody for years.
But to have to go home and be away from this person and for this person to not really want to know you and your issues anymore.. it's just upsetting.
I have been so horrible.

The only real friend i can say i have actualy opened up to for once - maybe not all the way and by it being very difficult indeed esp with social issues and making a mess of it all .. but to have to go to noone again - i just can't do i - i feel i'm sinking into severe deppression because of it..


Well-known member
It sounds like you have become a bit on the clingy side and have suficated your partner. I dont realy know what advise to give. If the person you like wants out I dont know what else you can do. I am sure you have already tried everything already and it didnt seem to work. Keep us upto date on any solution that you have came up with.