Batteries/ OCD



Hi everyone. Never posted before. I'm a 30ish guy with OCD. Two of my main triggers are gasoline and chemicals. Usually I can stay clear of cleaning supllies, etc. I have been leary of batteries of all kinds for years. Today my 7 year old brought me my old gameboy toy and asked what it is and why it won't work. Since it wouldn't turn on, I opened the battery slot. It was covered with white flakes. I felt like they got all over me, though i know that isn't really the case. My wife used to always reassure me in cases like this, but we haven't been close lately and she just shrugged it off. I am now fearful for myslelf and family. Some of the flakes got on the bed and on the floor. I had my wife clean off the comforter, but i don't know how I can sleep in the bed now. It hurts me that she just blew off my panic when she knows this is a nightmare for me, similar to the time gas got spit on to my skin while i was filling up the car. Searching the internet for info on these "white flakes" that were on these old double A batteries. Someone , please, tell me that I'm worrying for no reason. Thank you...