Barrie, Ontario. or around that area?


Well-known member
hey there nice to meet u again...well I've been suffering with this SA for as long as I can remember. It got worse when I was in High school around the age of 15. I would sweat so bad and feel really light headed just when I'm about to take a step inside the school.Once I am in the school my brain gets foggy, and I feel detached from my self, my heart beats go up and I get scared for no reason. When some one comes up to me and says "hi", I get panicky and confused, my throat becomes dry, my head becomes hot, and I find my self not knowing what to say back to them. Its like my brain is asleep. I avoided everyone. I became isolated and I've even lost the little friends that I had. This lead me to even deeper depression. I know its always been there as I was a kid. This goes back to when I was 3 years old. I would always Hide in my room when my family had friends or relatives over to my house. I would lock the door and never come out till they were gone. I was very shy around new people. its weird I didn't know why I did that.
so that's my SA in brief..but there's a lot more to that lol.
How long have you been suffering with SA? and what Caused it?