Ballad of gay tony


So who has played it what did you think? Im gonna buy it it looks better than normal gta 4 sort of like vice city. ::(: :mad: :D


Well-known member
its alright, if you're just getting it on its own though i wouldnt recommend it as its not very long (as its an expansion to gta 4)


Well-known member
I've played and completed most of the GTA games apart from that weird sci-fi one they did years ago. I didn't know this was available on ps3, but it comes with the lost and dammed so I might buy it. GTA and COD are about the only games I play really. I haven't used my PS3 for over a year now though. I just can't seem to get into gaming anymore. I was going to buy COD modern warfare 2 but never got around to it (yet).


Well-known member
i see is the content decent like extra stuff? im not really interested in lost and damned heard it sucked

TLAD is the weakest of the three, you should only get it if you're a diehard GTA fan.

As for BOGT, well the main story has about 20 odd missions, same with TLAD, as GTA 4 was the original it has closer to 90 missions.

Parachuting is unique to gay tony and is quite cool, because by using a glitch you can actually fly upwards with a parachute, this allows you to get around the city pretty fast, some say its even faster than using a helicopter.

As for extra stuff, well you can do some car races, but you have to complete a certain mission before you can play them. There are also "Drug Wars" which is where you and two of your gang friends intercept a rival gang's car and take their money. It's fun at first but can get repetetive.

A few new weapons are also added to GTA4's original weapon list, such as an explosive shotgun and a grenade launcher, these are quite powerful, some might say a bit too powerful, but they're still fun to use.

Multiplayer....well I think TLAD had the best multiplayer modes, but trouble is you'll never find anyone online on TLAD. In gay tony I think they did ruin the multiplayer a bit, the standard deathmatch is sort of more traditional like COD with small maps, in the original GTA4 deathmatches would span the whole island. Multiplayer can still be fun though, there's a few modes like deathmatch and races and such. You an also use the parachutes to fly around with other players which can also be funny.

Hope what I said helps!