Back from Contiki Tour


Well-known member
I'm back from an overseas trip.

Spent 8 days out of 10 on my own except when time was organised as a group and only went out at night once once. It was quite painful at times. But I was also lucky that a good number of people seemed accepting of me to an extent -they would be kind and considerate, although I was never truly accepted in anyone's clique.

BUt I discovered some great things, and these are....

1) That real life practise interacting with others takes years off of a social phobia and does something that thinking or planning cannot do. -However, there must be some catch, as I have 'stuck at it' before and only felt worse; and perhaps this something is being in situations where there are people but which are not (as) feared.
It is also interesting that studies have shown that the average person, when they are either isolated of rejected by others will quickly and easily spiral down into a state of low confidence and poor social skills!

2) That I have been unaware of how I approach people often with fear, nervousness, and apprehension. But that noticing this habit of mine in the moment that I am absorbed in doing it, seems to be enough for me to drop it just like that. ....this is a bit exhausting and I figure will take dedication on my part, but my goal is to be able to be consciously aware of my moods etc. ...and until I was aware that I was approaching people all nervous, I felt lost and helpless, with a lack of sense of control over my self; but now I feel like I can control how I react even if it will require vigilance monitoring my moods. (this is of course the same as being "mindful" in everday life)

3) Have a method for dealing with anxiety as it arises but watch that I do not dwell thinking or worrying about my anxiety; and adopt an alternative thing to focus upon. My theory is that thinking about anxiety (more than the bare minimum that is needed), like introspective thought or analysing, seems to be more of the same kind of personality characterstics that created the personality extreme of a social phobic.

Being calm and at ease with groups, however, is one aspect of my behaviour that is still too challenging for me right now, though. This situation, together with a few other scenarios, are things that I will probably have to work my way up to. They are areas of my life that are quite disappointing and which mean that I miss out.

....Just on the side now -my councelor more or less indicated that she wanted today's session to be our last. I am a bit disappointed as I wonder whether she simply does not care much for what I go through. People who have not experienced chronic isolation from others I don't think have the empathy to understand what it is like- nor the struggle and strain of having social anxiety. And I think that perhaps people dismiss people who they can't relate to, as in "Oh well, that's your lot in life" and get on with their own easy lives where they take so much for granted.
I think she also saw the need for me to think less about social anxiety, as well. But I am a little hurt that she could ignore how tough it still is for me being around others.


Well-known member
Very brave of you to go on a trip like that. I know I'd have to do alot of thinking before I could commit to something like that.


Well-known member
Hi Blinky Bill,

My Contiki tour was pretty good. Rather than finding people there interested in sex and drunkness, I found all of them to be nice people who had a more general and friendly attitude.

In fact, it is a pity that my state of mind was the way it was and that I did not have a more carefree and positive attitude. IT is unfortunately one of those experiences that I can only now file away under 'missed opportunity'.

However, it wasn't all so sad ...for one thing, the little interaction that I did have with people there was usually good. I met two nice Aussie girls (I'm an Aussie) and they were quite kind to me even though I was never truly a part of anyone's group. Also, I met a guy from America who liked me even despite that I was anti social -going off on my own and never joining people for night partying. (I did this to 'get over' the anxiety that I felt being around people and which came along once people started to form into groups -it wasn't there so much initially...)

So, Contiki tours perhaps have an unfair reputation for being full of people wanting to get laid and drunk. It wasn't at all this way on the tour I went on.

As for my councelor -I just figure that she is not very good. The word "phoney" comes to mind now when I think of kind things she has said or might say. The fact that she was not tuned in to see that I still needed someone to talk to makes me think that she simply isn't genuine. (To tell the truth, I had a recent falling out with a 'friend' who is also a councelor, and I have this picture in my mind now that there are certain personality types - 'the councelor' personality type- who are too insincere in their desire to help others, and who listen to others problems partly because it boosts their own flailing self-esteem to find out others weaknesses. ...This is a bit cynical, I know, but I simply cannot stomach such peoples' 'kind words' etc, as I feel that I have seen their other side.)

My biggest problems now are finding work (when I have been fired from two types of jobs in which it will be hard now to get my foot back in the door; and also it will simply be hard convincing emplyers to take me on because of my poor work record); and my other problem is the sheer loneliness that I feel almost all of a sudden. For some reason it really bothers me only now (after my trip) to be alone.
-well, thanks for listening...


Well-known member
Thanks Blinky,

I think that considering the attitude of my therapist that it is best to discontinue seeing her. (she asked me to send her a photo of me on my trip but I won't do this -can't be bothered pretending to be friends with her)

For work I am focussing my efforts on painting and trying to see if I can scratch a living out this way. -Art has always been one area in my life where it has come easy and people are always asking me about it even though I haven't done anything for years.

One friend told me to find something positive and focus on it and through this find your way. I figure that God gave me crap genes when it comes to being comfortable and secure around people, but at least he gave me talent when it comes to art. ...and I am sick of experiencing life in terms of my faults and limitations: I want to experience life on easy street for a while.

I personally would probably have preferred back packing on my own. I find doing things on my own quite liberating. For some reason I tend to socialise better when there are no restrictions placed upon me such as needing to fit in. But when I can leave when I want to, then the pressure is generally off for me and my anxieties take leave.
This is partly why I chose to be alone when I could -because it gave me back some dignity and peace of mind. I am not nervous when I don't feel like I need other peoples' acceptance. Also, group situations are still the ones that I have the most trouble with.
On the other hand, the forced socialising had a few good points -I met a guy who I may never have met and that was quite a good experience.

One other off-topic thing: since I have been back I have felt a keen sense of isolation and loneliness. And this is something that until now I have not sufferred so much from. ...I think that it may have to do with coming to realisations that certain aspects of my personality and behaviour I may never change how I would like to change them. I think before that I had always a drive for self-improvement and this (false?) optimism that I would change things one day. ...but being on holiday with people somehow changed things -perhaps it brought home the reality of my life and challenged the dreams that I have (for better or for worse).
...I have felt quite isolated and disillusioned. But I have taken to praying to Jesus, and this makes me feel comforted and strengthened and like there is a purpose and a way for me. So I feel better again.