[b]What was your last auful situatuion [/b]


what was the last situation you had really bad experiance of SA and u felt humilated,my last one kept for a week with lowest mood and it was terrible :(


Well-known member
my worst recent anxiety happened when I planned a night out last friday. I was in a good mood when i arrived at the pub and had a good time, 2 hours b4 leaving the house was a differnt story tho :x :x


I was going into town to meet up with someone i'm doing a project with, and i had to take the bus. I was so nervous about everything it took me at least a minute to get the driver to understand what i was saying, because i was talking so quietly. Plus, i was half an hour late, before leaving the house i kept taking off and redo-ing my make-up and hair because it wasn't quite right and i felt that everyone would be scrutinizing me if i looked a strand out of place.
I bit my lip until it bled really bad on the way there in the bus, and i was so worried i felt like i was going to burst into tears.

It was all a pointless fuss when i got there though. Gah.


Yeah its mental init when u worry so much and it gets so bad that if u make it sometimes everything can go just sweet my last bad panic attack was when i was at this club i used to go for people with mental illness im sitting there chatting to someone then a few strangers come into the room then a few more did'nt really take much notice until i turned the chair round the room was full of people the doors got shut then some gizza talking about changes to this club i felt the panic come on all i could do was stare at this gizza talking what he was saying was'nt even registering could'nt look at anyone else cos i felt like i was gonna explode started sweating feeling hot felt this rush of heat go from me feet up 2 my head then just got up and flew out the door when i got outside i felt weird big time it took me ages to calm down i could'nt go back into the room god that was an horrible one.


oh god ! the other day i was shopping , the alarm hadn't been properly removed from my hair stylers and in every shop i went in the alarm went off!!!! it was awful my face was beaming . so , as you would i removed the electronic tag. however it continued in a couple more shops i was so embarrassed and every 1 was staring . prob at my big RED face!!!!!! i felt completely disheartened and it ruined a good shop were i was buyin g my birthday presents. :( felt like cryin .


Active member
I went to the movie theatre the other day which was pretty scary in of itself but then I get the lady who runs the theatre talking to me & all I could think of was "please stop talking to me". It's so annoying as she's a lovely person. :cry:


Active member
Every time i plan to go out socially for the 2-3 hours before hand i am totally messed up , looking for a arguement so i dont have to go and generally being a asshole , but my mind is so messed at the time i dont care , its only after i realize how annoying i must be :(
