Awful voice or way of talking

Hey guys, I'm new here and I was just wondering if anyone else has the same problem as me.

The reason I'm very shy, and on my way to severe social anxiety is because I have the MOST ugliest voice in the world. I'm a 17 year old girl but since I was 10 I always sounded like a pubescent boy. My classmates make fun of the way I talk, my friends' siblings do it too, even former friends and my own family.

When I listen to myself on the inside, it sounds like a normal teenage girl. Not slow, not drawly, not boyish, not anything strange. But when I finally record myself, that's when I started to hate my voice too. I'm trying to be strong, and put up with the tauntings and the way i am, but that doesn't change the way I feel about myself.

I meet new people, and they only listen to the voice. Then after I try talking to them again, they just ignore me.


Well-known member

Don't feel bad about your self girl...Even if how bad your voice what you just said...for as long as you are good in heart...that will always count the best.

"The greatest beauty on earth is found in the hearts of those who love."


Well-known member
I know it's hard, but think to yourself..
If any person ignores you just because of what your voice sounds like, is that really the type of person you want to know?
If you are able to, try and make a joke of your voice to new people you meet, it will break the ice, show them you don't take yourself too seriously. If you can do that then you have allready scored points with most people, and they will be interested in what else you have to say. I know this probably won't make you feel any better about how your voice is, but maybe it will help you when talking to people?
I (even though it's hard) would try not to dwell on it too much, I sound like a boy on recordings aswell, so don't beleive them! :lol: you probably don't sound as bad as you think, but you obviously are a lot more aware of it. Just remember it's not something you can change, so you can either get yourself down about it, or you can learn to make it work for you, how you do that is down to you. :)
best of luck :)


Well-known member
that's not normal that your own family makes fun of you for that reason, I wonder if your voice really sounds that weird or 'ugly'.

It would be interesting if we could hear your voice to hear if it really is that bad...

Besides there are more girls and women with a more 'manly' voice, you'd certainly not be the only one.


Well-known member
I have the same problem, I've very high pitched and squeaky sometimes...I sound about five...I think people sometimes expect me to wear a bonnet and shake a baby goo gaga
*shakes rattle*
what to do though?


New member

Isn't it wierd how different it sounds on the outside then on the inside. I can't even record an answering machine message on my mobile cause I don't want to hear my voice played back to me.

My situation is kinda different to yours, for me it's my physical appearence, but I do know what it's like to be ridiculed over something that you have absolutely no control over and I do know how cruel people can be, even if they're just joking around, it's hard being sensitive.

But don't lose faith, there are people out there who aren't so naieve that they judge/ridicule someone for things like physical appearence or the sound of ones voice, there are people who can see past those things and see you for YOU and not the sound of your voice or physical appearence or race or what ever else.

I wish you all the best, hope you feel better :)
Take care.


I once got called on my phone (that time i was not so anxious), i said hello, and the woman on the other side ask me: is your mother home... I was 25 and living on my own then. So now i found myself a deaf/mute partner (joke).

I believe that you are scared, i think that everybody gets shocked of there own voice if they would record it. And there might be people that find your voice cute.


Well-known member
Hon, your voice is yours, so if no one likes it, screw them ! Your family sounds like mine- jerks. Friends don't do things like that, their jerks too ! I always hated my voice because it is just more different than most people. Plus my throat swells up from time to time, so that's no help either. I can sound like a 10 yr old to darth vader all in one day ! Just love your self, and don't care what the others think. :)
Thanks for all the support guys!! I know it shouldn't matter what people think, and that's what I'm trying to practice: not caring what others think. I just wish I had some friends who understood. It's not really just my voice. Even when I do get into a conversation, people just don't find my interesting as other people.

I think I may have a speech impediment.

Sacrament said:
Show us your voice, then. Record something :|

Sure. How do I put it on here?


Well-known member
I'm self conscious of my voice because I used to have trouble rolling my r's and was always teased about it in school. I think that's one reason I became s phobic. I was afraid of talking in school. The self consciousness comes back at times even though I have been told that I have a sexy voice lol!


Well-known member
Best thing to do would be to accept yourself, of course

But if you really can't do that, you could try to speak in a different tone maybe? Not force your voice to sound a certain way, but rather adapt new vocal habits