Avert questions/comments


Well-known member

Hi I used to visit here all the time. Towards the end of my stay I told everyone about my experience with Avert, a glycopyrrolate pill, that really helped me with my palm and pit sweat.

I was flamed relentlessly for "advertising" when I was really just sharing my excitement and success. This caused me to leave this board for what feels like months...

I come back for the first time since then and there are multiple threads about Avert; is this the same pill I've been taking that you can get from pharmacy.ca?

I don't want to sound whiny but I was flamed for bringing a then-unknown treatment to you all's attention. I guess I can be happy that, maybe not through me, but it has caught on and can bring many others great success. Ok I'm done with the rant...

As for a question for those that also take Avert: I made a system of taking two 2mg pills each night and found that it gave me great coverage for most of the next day and minimized the dry eyes, mouth, and skin.

Well for about a month or more my sweating has gone back to pre-pill usage and I still get the bad dry eyes and mouth, where I always look tired no matter how much eye drops I put in....

What's your method of taking Avert and how successful (plus minimal side effects) is it for you? I'm thinking of upping my mg dosage but I know the sides will be EVEN worse.

Thanks for bearing with me on the long post I appreciate everyone's help and comments.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear about your initial experience. Usually if someone is new and they are telling people to go to a website and buy a certain unknown drug, it can look like advertising. But yeah you are right a lot more people have tried it now.

As for me, I'm currently taking 2mg in the morning and that's it. Actually I have noticed that my sweating is kinda coming back. Luckily it's not bad. My hands used to be visually soaked, but now with the pills, they just have that damp feeling. I may or may not increase the dosage. I just don't want to take more than I need. I'm not really experiencing any side effects at this dosage.


Well-known member
What is your problem hinder? I'm on here answering questions trying to help people who have the same problem as me and you speak to me like that?

I'm a teacher and I have nothing to gain from sales of Glycopyrrolate. I tried it after reading success stories about it here on this forum. Fortunately it actually helped reduce my sweating. If there is anything I can do to help other people in my situation I'm going to do it.

Stop making false accusations.


Well-known member
hinder87 said:
both of u are advertising. gtfo!

Look, it isn't advertising to discuss a product. It's not like theres a whole lot of options on the market, nor is there a whole lot of websites...

Besides, its not good advertising when you start to claim the pills stopped working. ¬_¬


Active member
I get the feeling there are people trying to sabotage others search for a cure on this forum. Maybe those who are trying to sell their own med.s devices?

Anyway back to a more pressing concern: I have also been taking glyco. 1.5mgs for many months now and it seems to be working okay tho' not as well as when I first tried it. I am lucky to not experience any side-effects, but I do notice that if I take it and then take a nap, it loses all effectiveness, I don't know why. weird. I am also worried I am becoming resistant to it's effectiveness, so I am not taking it as often. h.h. is such a pain, so I commiserate. Might even try the black-tea soaking method. or the DIY ionto method.



Well-known member
As I stated in the other thread I'm waiting to receive my avert tablets so I can't judge their effectiveness personally. I went straight to the 2mg but for those who are using lower dosage you can always consider increasing it if the dosage is losing its effectiveness, and I think they have an option to get a custom dosage so I guess over time you can keep increasing it although I dislike the idea.
I agree with Hyp-Hi!

I take 2mg of Robinul (which i think is the same as Avert aka Glycoporrolate.) Back when I was in the dorms, I use to take up to 8mg a day! Sure it makes you a little tired and you may drink a little more water, but for me it was worth it.

Hyp-Hi if 2 mg isn't doing the trick for you anymore, you should try investing in a ion machine. I use a fisher and it works wonders. It's a little cumbersome, but if you can sacrifice 30-60mins a day a few times a week it will do the trick! (i can only vouch for palmoplantar HH though because I don't have axillary)

Ok hope this helps!

If you find something that works for severe HH cases, pls share the knowledge too, because I'm still searching for a way to cure this thing!


Well-known member
Yea I'm considering ordering maybe 2.5 or 3mg tablets under their customize option, but I think you have to actually call them and I'm not comfortable with that...

The tiredness, barely able to open my eyes sometimes because they are so dry, and dark circles under my eyes have held me back socially... pretty much it's switched from sweating being the primary problem to these things being my main concern and the sweating being secondary, if you can believe that.

I also think social situations (I also have anxiety) cause the sweating to occur no matter how many pills I take... I'm really lost/depressed about this, anyone in a similar situation?

I've been gone for a while but glad to be back on here.


Well-known member
Maybe you should not take it before going to bed. Have you tried it first thing when you wake up in the morning? I take 2mg avert when I get up. I don't take it everyday, only on special occassions. Sometimes it gives me dry eyes and dry throat, but sometimes I have no side effects. I just always keep eye drops and a bottle of water handy just in case.

Oh and I also noticed that it works best on a completely empty stomach. Like if I take it first thing in the morning and then don't eat anything for 2-3hrs I am very dry but get dry eyes. If I take it 2hrs after eating but then eat something an hour after taking it I am almost dry with little to no side effects.

You just have to keep trying out new times to take it to determine what will work best for you.

Good luck!!!


Well-known member
Hey sadday thanks for your input, I think it's some of the best advice I've gotten on here. I am going to try taking it in the mornings and see what happens, I was always just scared it wouldn't kick in in time for school.

I also agree with the special occasions response. Things were going good last term when I only had classes two days a week, so I would only take them the two nights a week before class, so I think it was better then, but now I have to go to school four days a week...

I hate the dry eyes as much as I do the sweating! Especially when I look in the mirror and see how drugged out I look. On the worst of incidences eye drops and drinking lots of water do not help, but I'm just going to have to fiddle around with the variables and find a way to make it work again like it used to.