Avert - I have more questions than a math exam


New member
I've just started using avert yesterday, however I didn't see any results.
I was told to start with 2mg /day to start with than gradually increase the dose, I have moderate to sever sweating. I just have a bunch of questions and I haven't been able to find answers to. I'm aware it's different for different people so I just want your outlook on things.

So here I go:
How long does it take after injesting the pill before it should start to take effect?
How long does it last for?
How long should you wait before increasing dosage?
Does it take a few days for the full effects to kick in?
Does it defer sleep habbits and patterns?

I'll take the results and compile them into one big Avert topic so feel free to post other questions and answers.


Well-known member

I try to take my Avert about 1 hour before eating. Apparently it's best absorbed on an empty stomach--could also be 2 hours after eating, but by then most of us want to get going.
It takes effect fairly quickly--though again there's a time lag before I'm out and about.

Once I found the correct dosage, it lasts pretty much all day--might need to take one more pill on a particularly hot and humid day.

Don't know what to tell you about when to increase dosage--if your doctor told you to wait a while, it's probably to see if you have any unpleasant side effects. If you don't after a week, I'd add some.

I don't even remember if it took time to "kick in", but I don't think so.

I had, and have, dry mouth sometimes, but no effects on my sleeping patterns.

Good luck!
Does it defer sleep habbits and patterns?


How long does it take after injesting the pill before it should start to take effect?

For me it takes about an hour to feel it on an empty stomach. Sllow time and eat breakfast early. Food kills this drug.

How long does it last for?

I normally take it in the morning and Im good all day. If Im going out late at night Ill take another dose before I head out. Seems like 10-12 hours or so for me generally.

How long should you wait before increasing dosage?

I used 2mg and a 3% secure wipe at first. The worked for 4 weeks or so. I take 4mg orally now. I dont think I needed to go higher in dosage, but the wipes are really expensive, and the extra 2mg replaced them w/o a problem. You can take up to 8mg a day, but the dry mouth was too much for me at foirst to take more than 2mg. Now, 3 months later, I take 4mg and the dry mouth doesnt bother me at all.

Does it take a few days for the full effects to kick in?

It took an hour for it to kick in for me.

Does it defer sleep habbits and patterns?

Cant help you there - I had trouble sleeping before and after starting this med. It hasnt changed anthing - I still have trouble sleeping.


Well-known member
Avert IS Robinul--or rather, they're both glycopyrrolate. Avert is the brand name for the Canadian version, but they're the same med.


Well-known member
westfield said:
I've just started using avert yesterday, however I didn't see any results.
I was told to start with 2mg /day to start with than gradually increase the dose, I have moderate to sever sweating. I just have a bunch of questions and I haven't been able to find answers to. I'm aware it's different for different people so I just want your outlook on things.

So here I go:
How long does it take after injesting the pill before it should start to take effect?

It varies for me, but usually it takes an hour or more to really kick in

How long does it last for?

2mg usually lasts me the working day and as someone else mentioned I'll take another 2mg in the late afternoon if I'm heading out that night

How long should you wait before increasing dosage?

I haven't increased mine yet, and I've been using them for about half a year.

Does it take a few days for the full effects to kick in?

Not sure about this. It took me a while to get it right in terms of when to take it. Now I take it first thing in the morning, have a shower, get ready for work and then have breakfast at least an hour after ingesting the little pill.

Does it defer sleep habbits and patterns?[/color]

Haven't noticed any ill effects with regards to sleep.

I'll take the results and compile them into one big Avert topic so feel free to post other questions and answers.