Avert and Eating


How long do you wait to eat after taking avert?

I heard that it's much less effective if it's not taken on an empty stomach


Well-known member
probanthine which I use I think is the same kinda thing as avert and works best on an empty stomach

I start to eat after taking it when Im basically not worried if I start to sweat
so like I usually start to eat at work about 1-2pm then Ill maybe start to sweat again a couple of hours later then the end of work isnt far.. 5pm so not worried if sweat then and not worried if Im sweating at home

I usually wake up take tablets and then dont eat all day till about 2pm...is annoyin not being able to eat on em but ya get used to it
then if go out in evenin Ill eat at lunch then start taking tablets again early evenin when food would of digested and then wont eat again till end of night
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Well-known member
I wait an hour after taking the pills. If I don't, I find I'm sweating at least a little more than I'm used to.

The other suggestion is to take the pills two hours after eating--but this is a little harder to figure out, and by then you're likely off in the world and not wanting to sweat in the meantime.