Attention Deficit Disorder and Social Phobia?


New member
I get distracted very easily-if someone tells me to do something, I forget within 2 minutes, reading's difficult if I'm not very interested in the material, and I sometimes say things I didn't want to that I regret later. I did what I wanted and didn't care what people thought. In 5th grade, I was bullied because of it. This's where the SP began. I retreated into myself- by 6th grade, I stopped talking to people, I had no friends, and I sat alone at lunch. That year, I got lucky because someone decided to be my friend for no apparent reason, and my old self came back somewhat.
The weird part is that, now, if I'm with my friends, my ADD-self becomes dominant-I'm impulsive and say things without thinking. But as soon as I'm with people I don't know, the SP returns-I'm quiet, I'm terrified to talk to new peope, and I prefer to sit in the back and be invisible. If I have to present in front of the class, I even experience some depersonalization. Oh, and I cry if I'm embarrassed or get a bad grade, but that's always been like that. This combination means that I may impulsively act out, then, when I'm at the center of attention, I retreat into myself and worry for hours or days over what happened.
I told my mom about it (through e-mail because I was too terrified to tell her in person), and her attempts to tell my dad have so far fallen on deaf ears. I really don't know why I'm posting this. I guess I just want-need- some general advice. It's taken me months to finally type this. I've told some friends, but none are very knowledgable on the subject. Thanks for your time.


I can somewhat understand how you feel. I suffer through some stuff like that also, (like ADD) I can't pay attention to something for too long, even if it's something interesting. I sit by myself because I would be too scared that I would say something impulsive or stupid. I also procrastinate on everything I do in life, even the things I simply enjoy.

I don't know if I can give any advice or anything since I'm still kinda going through the same thing. But I would take the alone time you give yourself to do some self reflecting. Then once you have better knowledge of yourself, you'll be able to pin point the things that are disturbing you in your life. Right now I'm doing some self reflecting too, but I have some self-accepting issues because of the constant negative feelings and influences I have with my father, my job, and everything else around me. I have better control of my thoughts by changing my diet more wisely and exercising by moving around more often.

I hope this helps somehow.
I've been told I have a short attention span, but only because I sing a lot in my head, and day dream

and now I'm waiting for my ruca.....

I've had sublime stuck in my head alll day.....

what were we talking about...

oh yeah, I like add it calms me b/c i get to off to fun places in my head, but when i get back in the moment its a bit awkward


Well-known member
Hey Wolfie,

I've had some ADD-ish problems too, 'inattentive/mixed' probably.. doodling or writing things down helps to concentrate.. it gets worse with too much computer usage and stress/depression/bipolar-ish stuff.. partly depends on nutrition for me too, some things improved when I went gluten-free (brainfog largely lifted, less crying too :))

I recommend the book Fidget to Focus if you can get it, exercise and movement, maybe research nutrition and other lifestyle factors if you can.. Otherwise just try to do as much sports and movement as you can, it can help.. avoid sweets and artificial food additives and food colorings.. some of them can cause ADD/hyperactive behavior and other health problems too.. some people also improve with special anti-ADD nutrition..

Sorry to hear about being bullied.. There's a bullying sub-forum here, and possibly some good tips elsewhere online or in books too..

My dad has had some ADD-ish/bipolar-ish behavior too (and has driven all of us crazy at times lol!!) so don't expect too much from your parents!! Try to get a support network elsewhere, online and in RL!! Some people will like you anyway, trust me!! (It's good to get to know them better so you know who you can trust!)

I know what you mean with worrying later, most of us on this forum do, honestly mostly people are too wrapped up in their own problems so they don't really pay so much attention to other people, and this can be somewhat liberating :) Also good nutrition can help in this department (eg omega 3 etc)

YAY for new friends! Hope you manage to find some friends on this forum and elsewhere too!