at what age were you diagnosed with OCD?


Well-known member
Hey all I don't know if there's a topic like this already but I just wanted to know how old you guys were when you got OCD?


Well-known member
i was diagnosed about 6 months ago. i basically thought i was crazy my whole life. i hid everything ocd related that i did. i was horrified by my own mind and felt like such a messed up person.

when i was diagnosed, things became easier as the truth came into light. but its also been harder because i just want to fix it, and its not easy. the spikes are the worst because i have pms and i just cry for days (my eyes get so dry that it hurts to blink for a while).

im just trying to deal with it medication free. i read about it a lot. making it a medical research project seems to help me disattach myself from it. certain things i still cant tell if it's my ocd or not...i really believe my ocd is what keeps me from trusting people.