Are you set in who you are?


Most of the time i dont know who i am. And i feel the more i try to figure it out the more i feel like im wasting time. Im normally reserved around family, because we never had the kimd of intamicy others do. But with my friends i had since children im outgoing and normally out spoken, joking around...With friends i already know but not to close with yet im quiet abit, but with new people i feel like i have nothing to loose!

My point is i can be different people depending on the circu
mstance, and i often wonder just who i am?!

If i am quiet however with others i often have a headache. Like my brains melting or something. And the more i contiue beimg so the more i feel like ive died as a person. I have a desire to jump out as scream excitingly and snap back to a fun guy i want to be....but since i can be both...So am i introverted? or extraverted with no confidence?

And whatever the case? Do you believe on is locked as a person forever? Do genes govern wether your happy in life?

I'm not really all that sure to be honest. I wonder if who I am is mostly unchangeable and preset, but I'd certainly like to believe otherwise. Sometimes people behave differently around particular groups of people due to outside circumstances, or simply because it's a different environment. Are you more comfortable around your friends than family? I think change is possible though, there are plenty of examples out there to prove this. It probably isn't going to happen on it's own without diligent efforts. It's hard to override behavioral patterns that become so automatic, but again I don't think it's impossible. I'd like to discover just how to go about changing myself too. If you want to change yourself in any way, don't give up on it and maybe take notice what exactly it is you'd like to change. Genetics are only one piece of what make you who you are, but environmental and other factors are going to have some influence too.