Are you afraid of spiders?

The Who said:
Look, he's crawling up my wall
Black and hairy, very small
Now he's up above my head
Hanging by a little thread

Boris the spider
Boris the spider

Now he's dropped on to the floor
Heading for the bedroom door
Maybe he's as scared as me
Where's he gone now, I can't see

Boris the spider
Boris the spider

Creepy, crawly
Creepy, crawly
Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly
Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly
Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly
Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly

There he is wrapped in a ball
Doesn't seem to move at all
Perhaps he's dead, I'll just make sure
Pick this book up off the floor

Boris the spider
Boris the spider

Creepy, crawly
Creepy, crawly
Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly
Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly
Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly
Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly

He's come to a sticky end
Don't think he will ever mend
Never more will he crawl 'round
He's embedded in the ground

Boris the spider
Boris the spider


Well-known member
Before sleeping in any room I have to collect all the spiders, trap them in jam jars then drown the beggers in vinegear.

...well no not really, although I used to hate them and if one came within a metre of the bed then it must die.

Dont know why but now they dont bother me so much, and no i dont beleive they crawl into your mouth twice a year to spin webs and lay eggs.


Yes. But I try not to kill them when I can, they are disgusting but they cannot help being born that way. Last time I saw in pet shop big spiders in very small boxes, so small they could hardly move and there were only tiny holes for air. I felt so sorry for them, I was considering telling the shop assistants but then I thought I would only make fool of myself and they wouldn´t change it anyway, so I quickly left...


Well-known member
i played with a spider i found the other day. normally i hate every kind of bug, but i let him crawl on me and freak me out for a good minute before i squashed him. it reminds me of what i've been doing with SA.


Well-known member
Im not scared of them unless they are BIG (I had some huge ones in my closet a few years ago that even my dad wouldn't get near).


Well-known member
They scare the crap out of me, and you'd be surprised by my creativity when it comes to finding ways to kill the bastards without getting close to them. If one sneaks up on me (as in I suddenly find one on my arm), panic ensues.

They're not much of a problem where I live though, so I'm not bothered by it enough to try to change it. Pit me against some exotic fist-sized spider though, and I'll run faster than anyone in the olympics.


I am terrified of spiders... iesh, just the thought of one dangling down by me or walking into one or having one crawl on me or X.x *hides*

I try not to kill them though, I HATE killing and I avoid it most of the time unless I'm REALLY freaked out or there is no sane way to capture the poor creature to let it go outside. Mostly I try to catch them in a jar or glass and plop them out the door, 'good luck little creepy friends!'.



Well-known member

Its like an alien right here among us...[