Are you a manchild (or woman child)?


Well-known member
Today at work (I'm a grunt) I was confronted by a superior diagnosing me as a "man child" (although I'm 19). I asked him the reasons why I was a man child and he started listing them, my dress (casual, always), my social relationships (childlike, although i'd say less than child like due to SA), my interests, among a few minor things. Although his diagnosis was over complicated and far from the truth (he said I consciously refused to grow up because I didn't want to) it did get me thinking about how close I was to a child in a few respects. Mainly I don't do a lot of the things normal people do although many of them I do want to do I just simply can't because it's too stressing to the point where the fun from the experience is completely negated. So do you think you're a man child too?


Well-known member
I've never heard that expression. I feel like he could have been a little more professional with his criticism. Your boss sounds like a jerk.


Well-known member
lol, when I got home I went on MSN and I talked to the only girl I know (a friend's girlfriend) and I said "should I wear different clothes?" And she said "god yes". And i said "but girls always say 'just be yourself'" (at least according to hollywood) and she said "they lie". So sad and truthful, I always secretly believed it was a lie but it was interesting to see a girl admit it. The reason why I believed it was I am always sincere in everything I do and I don't see myself with a girl ever, simply because I think I behave too strangely and don't have enough to offer. Yet when i was in high school I see all these guys who are the epitome of douche bags (you know who i'm talking about) get tonnes of girls. And I know these girls were likely not the greatest catch but any girl is greater than no girl since the goal of our existence is to procreate...


Well-known member
your superior is an asshole. 19 year olds aren't really manly or womanly yet anyway (no offense to 19 y/o's but... there is still a lot for them to experience). don't take any of what your superior said personally. i bet you dress like a typical 19 year old and have the typical interests of a 19 year old- big deal! sophistication isn't at the top of most 19 year olds' priorities.

i do have to ask if your attire is work-appropriate.

is the goal of your existance to procreate? it's not everyone's goal, ya'know. some of us would like to avoid it altogether (including females).

don't change yourself just to be accepted by females. we will see right through it and that would be an instant turn off. what i do recommend, though, is basic hygeine, take care of yourself, don't wear too much cologne (that is so transparent), don't wear ripped/stained/faded clothes. don't wear clothes that don't fit properly, things like that. you don't have to be trendy or a metrosexual but at least show you care enough to be well groomed. i'm not sure why that girl would tell you "god yes" that you need new clothes. maybe she has bad taste, herself.


Well-known member
Sounds like your boss is a real manchild lover. I think you should report him to the authorities. Your boss is a dick.


Active member
I think I am quite child-like in certain respects. But I really don't think its necessarily a bad thing. I don't know about u but I tend to get more fun out of simpler things, and if I recognise this in other people I find it very endearing. As long as you don't let people walk over u.


Well-known member
Yeah I've been called this many times in my life, not in those words though. And when I tell people at work how old I am they say ""now way I thought you were 19, you look so young"" or something like that. But I think they really mean "you can't be 25, you act more like a 15 yr old"

being 5 foot 3 don't help either! lol


Well-known member
my dress is workplace acceptable (since i'm low level) and when i asked him if he even knew what my interests were he listed math (which is true), but it was curious to have that as a childlike intersts
Man-child? That's the most fucking ridiculous thing to tell someone. If someone told me that I would not take it so lightly. People have said I look young for my age, but if they ever said I act like a "man-child" I think I would get red hot. What a fucking moron to say something like that. Must not have any empathy towards other people. Next time tell him, "Stand in my shoes fuck-head and see how it feels to be called that."


Well-known member
I've never told anyone in my personal life I have SA. I told him i thought being an adult was primarily characterized by making decisions rationally with the foresight to see the consequences and the responsibility to deal with them, he said that had nothing to do with being an adult... The reason why I had this idea was obviously from my parents (duh). I don't really know if that was idealized and they never really believed it themselves... I then gave him the rational explanation behind all my behaviour (except the behaviour that is dictated by my SA, which I dismiss through other reasons although they aren't necessarily true). He said i argued so much because he hit a nerve, although i really just like arguing with people who are wrong.


Well-known member
Woman child here, I wear purple tights to work and enjoy eating out of tiny bowls and tea cups :oops:

Fuck being like every other boring adult :roll:


Well-known member
Ventrilo said:
I've never told anyone in my personal life I have SA. I told him i thought being an adult was primarily characterized by making decisions rationally with the foresight to see the consequences and the responsibility to deal with them, he said that had nothing to do with being an adult... The reason why I had this idea was obviously from my parents (duh). I don't really know if that was idealized and they never really believed it themselves... I then gave him the rational explanation behind all my behaviour (except the behaviour that is dictated by my SA, which I dismiss through other reasons although they aren't necessarily true). He said i argued so much because he hit a nerve, although i really just like arguing with people who are wrong.

well no shit he hit a nerve! calling someone a manchild would hit a nerve with anyone! and how you described adulthood has EVERYTHING to do with being an adult. this guy is a complete moron and he sounds like a bully. i would avoid him if i were you. who the fuck does this guy think he is? he has some audacity.


Well-known member
Ventrilo said:
lol, when I got home I went on MSN and I talked to the only girl I know (a friend's girlfriend) and I said "should I wear different clothes?" And she said "god yes". And i said "but girls always say 'just be yourself'" (at least according to hollywood) and she said "they lie". So sad and truthful, I always secretly believed it was a lie but it was interesting to see a girl admit it.

There are two very important things here. Your boss sounds like a real jerk. Ordinarily, I would say not to give a shit what he says. But it sounds like he's not the only one who thinks your wardrobe can use an upgrade. Your friend's gf said "god yes?" when you asked her? This seems like something that she feels pretty strongly about, and she's probably not the only one. And she's more likely to have your genuine interest at heart than your boss.

She also let you in on a piece of wisdom, that "be yourself" is a lie, or at least not the whole truth. Now you know. All I can say is that I could have used that knowledge a long time ago. That's a subject you might want to discuss with her further. She sounds like a keeper.

Ventrilo said:
I then gave him the rational explanation behind all my behaviour (except the behaviour that is dictated by my SA, which I dismiss through other reasons although they aren't necessarily true). He said i argued so much because he hit a nerve, although i really just like arguing with people who are wrong.

Wow, this guy sounds like a real jackoff. You argued because he "hit a nerve". And if you hadn't argued, he would have said exactly the same thing, that you didn't argue with him because you knew he was right. Sounds like he spent too long in college.


Well-known member
dude, you're 19. who gives a fuck

according to him, i might be a little childish too. then again, i'm turning 19 this month. so go figure.


Yach, i often consider myself as a child man. I can not do what i should do in my 24 years old. I have no job, not succeed in university, financially dependent.


aboobooboobooo said:
Don't listen to that dickface. Just be yourself. 8)
fuck yeah! 8)
i like eating sweets, i wear pajama looking clothes with stains and breaches, and i like watching cartoons(anime).
and you what? i LIKE it! of course i can get myself out of here and go get "normal" clothes, but who cares? it's actually more comfortable, and easier for me. and yeah i can watch "regular" movies, but who cares? i've heared people calling me "immature" so many times even though they know perfectly well i'm WAY more responsible then they are, i don't really care, and neither should any of you, because the social image of what being adult is, is clearly twisted.
and about the holywood lying thing, it's a lie only because they don't actually believe what they say(the actors). but just being yourself is clearly true, and better then any medication you can take.
hell, if i'm going to get really anxious during some social event, i'd rather be myself during that time, 'cause at least i have "some" confidence in myself, unlike a "new" or "changed" me.
i believe that's how it is with some other people here too :p


Well-known member
i'm done with that job anyways since i'm starting school, but i have arranged to go clothes shopping even though i think i'm going to look retarded and forced in anything but tshirts and jeans