Are there two kinds of ETS surgeries because.........................................


Well-known member
There are actually several kinds of ETS surgery...

All of them do the same thing though, cutting the nerve...What is most important to figure out is at what spot they cut the nerve (T3, T4, T2?) I don't know the specifics of it since I'm not going to do ETS for the forseeable future (if at some point I'm convinced it can be done relatively safely with the least as possible side effects and no other treatments will be available, it might be an option at some point...) but if you are, that is the most important thing to figure out.

Also...What has worked for some people is just cut the nerve on one side (for instance, the right side, because you do most things with the right hand). That way the compensatory sweating and everything can be a little reduced because some part of your upper body can still sweat...

Just do some research on google...hyperhidrosis + ETS, disgard the commercial sites (mostly a bunch of assholes trying to make money on other peoples' misery) and read some scientific studies about it. Oftentimes you'll be able to read abstracts of studies and if you happen to be a student you can access things like wiley science and other sites like that...It's a one time deal so you want to make sure you do it the way you want, and not just go to the first doc out there and let him cut something up.
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Well-known member
so does this kill the nerves? or just give them a shock? If it doesn't kill them, I'm guesing this procedure is not permanent?


Well-known member
can't believe people sitll consider ETS considering the other well received surgical options available


Well-known member
teandtoast: I thought ETS was the only surgical option for palmo-plantat HH. What are you referring to?

I don't think there is any other surgical treatment for palmoplantar HH. For axillary HH there's the option of sweat gland suction, but it is impossible to do that on hands and feet.

I'm not considering ETS as a viable option yet, but if in the future it gets better in terms of risks and side-effects, it is something I have to consider, cause going on with HH is no picnic either, as you all well know. I hope I won't have to have it done though and something better comes along within a reasonable amount of time (before I'll get too old to go on like this).


Well-known member
oh right sorry the opening poster didn't specify palmoplantar so I just kind of assumed they were talking about axillary hh.
yeh not alot of choice for palmo as far as I know


Well-known member
i guess botox is the best option for palmar after ionto. maybe in the future they'll be some miracle pill. all i know is cutting or clamping nerves just seems risky.


Well-known member
so does this kill the nerves? or just give them a shock? If it doesn't kill them, I'm guesing this procedure is not permanent?

it can kill or stunt them as your body does change and can adapt to things, according to the surgeon the endings can grow back. It can cause cs, but then it dfepends on the person, all i can say it isnt as invasive as ets. and im glad i have had it done and things have improved a lot, Im not 100% better but Im more around 70%. but ti depends on the person.
some people say bad things about procures some don't. im for PRFS as it worked for me, it may not work for someone else, but its not as invasive as ETS

the thing is it depends what you have wrong with you depending what T ganglain you have treated , T2 T3 T4 T5 etc as each one controls different part of your nervous system for sweating. I had my T2 3 4 done this tells you all
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