Applying Hydrosal Gel for Facial Hyperhidrosis? How?


How exactly do I apply Hydrosal gel on my face, and at what time would be most suitable?

I just received Hydrosal in the mail today.


Well-known member
Kritikal said:
How exactly do I apply Hydrosal gel on my face, and at what time would be most suitable?

I just received Hydrosal in the mail today.

Didn´t your drug arrive with a user instruction from your doctor?


It just said apply it before going to sleep. Didn't say *how* to apply it.

I mainly sweat from my head, not really much facial sweat..

How can I even apply it to my head o_O all my hair is in the way.. Guess I just wasted my money..


Well-known member
I would put it on before you go to sleep...and I don't think you can actually apply it above the hairline. It might be useful for forehead sweating up to your hair line and that's it.

Don't apply it like shampoo :D