Applying for a Job!!???


New member
So I turned 16 in October and I'm starting to realize more and more that I need a job to start making some money for college and stuff. The only thing though is that I can hardly talk to people I don't know, even people I do kind of know I can hardly talk to. I'm going to need references for my resume and have absolutely no one I talk to enough that would be good enough for a reference. How the hell am I supposed to get a job?
So I turned 16 in October and I'm starting to realize more and more that I need a job to start making some money for college and stuff. The only thing though is that I can hardly talk to people I don't know, even people I do kind of know I can hardly talk to. I'm going to need references for my resume and have absolutely no one I talk to enough that would be good enough for a reference. How the hell am I supposed to get a job?

Ask a teacher/s for a reference, you can email them if you like, we're asked this all the time

You dont need to say much to get on, and then it comes with time and practice

Try volunteering somewhere for experience



Well-known member
Volunteering always looks good. At least I assume. That's what helped me with my resume. And it also helps get yourself out there and be prepared to talk and be around people. Some of the stuff I did, was incredibly nerve wracking but I'm glad I did it, people are always happy to have help. My last volunteering expenditure was helping special needs with horse back riding, really helped me to be more assertive. Not enough but more so.


Well-known member
References aren't that important when you are 16. They matter, but just have a teacher refer you like others said, you will be fine there.


Well-known member
I had this problem, I had to get my mum to pretend to be a previous employer. Luckily I got employed and they never queried it.


At 16 it's pretty easy to get a job. Just keep applying and something is bound to pop up for you. Besides, even if you get rejected just take that as a learning experience. As much as I hate to say this, but having social anxiety issues will only make finding a job much harder later on. Good luck.