appear to have a lack of motavation


Well-known member
do you feel in social situations that you look unenthusiastic but inside you arnt but your apperance makes it look like it example for me today i had an interview but i kept pretending to look at my phone(i use my phone in social situations its like a stress relever) But i get the impression the interviewer just was saying inside i lack total motavation and couldn't give a toss


Well-known member
Yeah I appear to look uninterested because normally I try and look uninterested automatically... subliminally thinking "If I can't have it I don't want it"


Well-known member
by the way it wasnt a job interview it was a employment interview if it had have been a job interview i would have to make eye contact hell imo
Its called expressionlessnessis.

What was that?

I always look uninterested. Unmotivated. Don't feel that way. Boss told me once he wanted to get me excited about something. Well, how about I continue to work at this, nod my head, and think good luck.