

I was just watching Apacolypse Man on the history channel, and if you guys havn't seen it. Its basically about a guy doing a show in New Orlean. I believe showing people how to use resources to survive. At one point in the show, i beleive he mention something about "surviving". It was something about, no point in surviving if there's no one out there. Because the most horrible torture for us human is solitary...

And it got me to thinking, most of us in here are lonely as hell. And want friends, girlfriend/boyfriend, etc. So what would happen if you survive an apacolypse and you find yourself alone in a lifeless city.

Would you seek out survivors?
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Well-known member
What's an "apacolypse"?

I would seek out survivors and lead a group of people to restore human civilization.


Well-known member
Yea, ditto. Something about tragedy makes me act like a completely different person. When I got into a really bad accident 6 years ago, I felt so carefree for a few weeks. It felt like I was living on extra time so I did a lot of daring social stuff that I wouldn't do now.

So yea, if some seriously tragic stuff happened to me in the form of an Apocalypse, I'd be all over the town trying to re-build and find survivors.


An apocalypse would also make people much more interested in talking to us just because we're another "survivor" of the apocalypse. Maybe 2012 is when all the "normals" die and us social phobes get to run things for a while. I'd weld up a badass ass kicking mobile and ask all non threatening survivors to join ship and open up a can on the evil people that would probably still be roaming the earth. Would be awesome... no people to worry about so we get to be ourselves...

Maybe we should all just get into the mind frame that the world is ending tomorrow. In other words, no people = no problems. **** em, pretend the *******s in life don't exist and you're sure to run into a few good eggs in your daily routine if you keep it up long enough.



Well-known member
no people = no problems
You are your own problem. It's not other people's fault. Even if some people treat you like crap, it's your attitude towards this which is the actual problem, not the people's behavior.


An apocalypse would also make people much more interested in talking to us just because we're another "survivor" of the apocalypse. Maybe 2012 is when all the "normals" die and us social phobes get to run things for a while. I'd weld up a badass ass kicking mobile and ask all non threatening survivors to join ship and open up a can on the evil people that would probably still be roaming the earth. Would be awesome... no people to worry about so we get to be ourselves...

Maybe we should all just get into the mind frame that the world is ending tomorrow. In other words, no people = no problems. **** em, pretend the *******s in life don't exist and you're sure to run into a few good eggs in your daily routine if you keep it up long enough.


That's what i was thinking, life is too short to be so worry. If the world was ending tommorrow, and seeing how i've done crap all my life. It kinda gives me an uplifting confident boost to start doing things and stop caring so much.


Well-known member
be lik the guy in "i am legend".Live in a mansion,live on canned foods and any vegetables i grow or animals i catch.maybe have an animal companion.have weapons as self defence from wild animals escaped from zoos or the odd other survivor gone insane.

Play any video game,read any book or anything i ever wanted.steal an airplane and live in central europe instead.so many things i could do.I'd probably miss my family and stuff of course.
Dance around with merry glee, go to stores and stock up on non perishable food items, read all the books i want, laugh as loud as i want. I can bear with the family and everyone else is dead issue since i am pretty isolated already.

seriously that is my view of heaven


I seriously doubt that after such disaster where all people died everything else would be left untouched :). But fine if you mean it as a fantasy.


Well-known member
look for survivors , and if i was the only survivor it wouldnt be very nice , but your Natural instinct to survive would kick in anyway


Well-known member
I love stuff like that! Being stuck somewhere and having to find different ways of surviving...I've never had to do it, but I think I'd be able to go on if most of mankind was killed off.

However, I'd definitely have to search for other suvivors. I know I wouldn't be able live alone for a long period of time. I'd drive myself crazy after a few days! Even a pet or two would be nice. Hopefully my own would survive if a disaster were to happen! But, regardless of anything else, I'm definitely a people person!

Cool question!


I'd become a pot farmer and draw survivors to me with the smoke signals being sent with the help of the finest bong available. Sure I'd stock up on long lasting food and probably grow fruit and veggies too even though I hate veggies. I'd find some automatic weapons and go urban hunting because animals would overrun everything looking for food. Sounds like a helluva way to spend the rest of my life. Surviving an apocalypse would ironically make me a very happy individual the more I think about it...
