anyone with the same symtoms


New member
as I have been reading some posts I have not seen where people have fear of contamination. Mostly checking and thoughts coming in. I don't experience these. Does anyone else have the same as me or am I on the wrong forum?


Well-known member
My OCD is based on hypochondria. I am constantly worrying about my health. I don't fear contamination like a lot of people with OCD. I don't feel the need to obsessively wash my hands 50 thousand times and whatnot. I do, however, fear contamination of germs from a sick person, and contracting whatever they had. I'm afraid of becoming contaminated by undercooked meat (e-coli), raw eggs (salmonella), or picking up my turtles (also salmonella).

Probably not the fear of contamination like you mentioned, but I thought mine was a little similar.
Perhaps similar. Not constantly. Two examples: (1) I am distracted by the television. I find it hard to remember things or concentrate when it is on. Fair enough; but because of my ocd, if there is something on that I despise, then on top of being distracted by it, I am averse to letting it get "into my head" where I fear it will cause obsessions or other trouble. It is in an sense a fear of contamination. (2) To make a long story short, there was a time when I felt that everything in my kitchen was so contaminated that I would not eat anything I could not rinse first (bananas were always OK because they could be not only rinsed but peeled!) It was not a fear of germs, per se, but of crossing a hypothetical line into acceptance of what I opposed. Is that at all like yours?