anyone with an eating disorder!


Well-known member
GRRRRRRRRRRRR! does anyone else on ere suffer from an eating disorder! i suffer from bulimia anand disorded eating and just as my sp seems to b improvin my eating is getting terrible again! i will end up eating myself to death if im not careful! although i have stopped purging..i take loadsa slimming tablets to counteract the bingeing as they stop me from eating for a few days! i am just going round in circles...i binge...take tablets...dont eat..binge again! its getting really bad and my binges r getting bad again!

i feel so alone with this! its gettin hard to cope!


Staff member
not as such but have had bouts of comfort eating when I was going through big bouts of depression

have pics of me grosely overweight and I hate them, even now I have a gut but its gradually fading, hope to get to my old wieght of about 11 stone sometime this year


Well-known member
wat helped u get over it mate? i will honestly eat myself to death. i eat that much some days i cant breathe! xx


Well-known member
Hey. I have an eating disorder (I think, if you do, it never goes away. Its kind of like, you're always an alcoholic....) I'm coping well lately though.

To me, its a question of "what do you do when you feel stressed, helpless, etc?" Its a coping mecanism to deal with something else. So you have to deal with that something else before you can expect the eating disorder to go away.

See, I've tried to just deal with the disorder (sometimes purging, but more anorexia for me - control issues) but I always end up just trading it for something else (like smoking). If that is your tool to deal with stress (or any other emotion) you cannot just take that tool out from under your feet and expect to be able to stand. So, you have to deal with the stress....

You might, though, want to try to add a new, more positive habit into your life, that might eventually be able to replace the binge-purge cycle as a coping mechanism . Like - yoga, jogging, or reading. Something that you actually won't mind reverting to when you feel out of control. Don't take away the food yet - just add in something else, get to become comfortable with it, so you have another option when you feel that way.

hope some of this is helpfull....... its such a hard problem, and there are so many people who deal with it and are too scared to admit it (like...another disorder we might all be familiar with!) congrats on being able to identify it and own up.


Staff member
jojosparkles said:
wat helped u get over it mate? i will honestly eat myself to death. i eat that much some days i cant breathe! xx

willpower more than anything

used to have huge full up plates of food, now I've moredated the amount into smaller portions, did go on slimfast for a bit and it worked but felt pretty feint.

they say a meal should be the size of your fist and balanced as thats the size of a normal stomach, as you eat less your stomach shrinks and you feel less hungry, also drink water (not pop or sweetened fruit juice) as sometimes hunger is actaully thirst.

and eat more oily fish like tuna and salmon, makerel, sardines instead of meat or chicken.

a diet I found isnt about starving yourself, its about moderation of volume eat, balanced nutrition and taste (even healthy food can be tasty and enjoyable)