Anyone who counts to 5?

Everything must be 5 to me. 1,2,3,4,5. I have seen on television when I was watching ER. one man had ocd but he was counting to four.I have never seen someone who counts to five like I do.


Well i do count to numbers usually that are even however, i do like the number five, because it's half of 10, and ten is a good number, some numbers scare me, as i trust even numers not odd numbers, though even some even numbers look wrong written down and i will avoid saying them in my head. I have a ditinct dislike for the numbers seven and nine. I do have other forms of OCD but counting tends to control the others anyway. Do you have anything else you do?


Well-known member
I, funny enough, count to 21. Really. 21. (Don't really know why. I like uneven numbers, and 21 is 7 x 3.) I don't have OCD and this little obsession doesn't affect me extensively, but when it's a bad day (not too often), I need my CD recorder on 21 volume (and I really feel uncomfortable if it isn't) and stuff like that. Of course it's nothing and almost no trouble at all. I just thought it was interesting.


New member
Yeah! 5 is my kind of lucky number so i always have to round upto 5! Just been diagnosed with ocd. Had depression , hypacondria etc since i was 11 and now at 21 i had a really scary few weeks, just started getting discusting horrible thoughts, thought i was going crazy, i felt so lost and alone. Didnt even know about ocd till i typed in my symptoms online and found my exact symptoms on web.
Its horrible to think people out there may be having the same scary thoughts and dont want to tell anyone about them because they are ashamed (thats how i felt) but it isnt their fault and it happens to so many people. I think these forums are great for sufferers and people who feel alone. Theyre efinately helping me learn more about my disorder now :)