anyone well known or used to be popular


Well-known member
im quite well knowing and used to be quite popular maainly because i used to hang around with popular people but im always the quiet one of the group well being well known i hate it its so annoying i mean i live in a small town i mean when i go out i always try and get from my house to were im going and back without being seen i wish nobody knew me plus the place i live in is full of noisy people hate them so much


Well-known member
sounds like your hanging on to what used to be?. look to the future and forget the past. :)
I could be wrong, but I think that the OP is frustrated by the fact that people know who he is when he goes out... whether he's currently "popular" or not. It makes it hard to blend in and do things incognito- I guess the solution would be to not care what people think of you, and/or grin and bear the people who feel they have to stop you and say hello whenever there is a chance encounter. I have no clue how to do this though... perhaps move to a larger town where noone knows who you are?


Well-known member
lucknomore ur right thats my problem im just fed up with the town im in wish lived in london or dublin or something then u could even go for a walk in the evening or so cause no one knows me here im afraid ill bump into someone i know and theyll ask me to come drinking which i dont want to do ever again


Well-known member
you have a good point there about moving to some where that no one knows you, maybe you could test the theory out by going on hoilday to london or some place else and see if you feel any better? although i beleive that people should confront there fears and not avoid them, still whatever works best :)


Well-known member
The friends I have are mainly in the popular crowd, but I've never been popular myself.


Well-known member
same i dont think i was ever popular but well known and i dont like it neary every one my age in this town knows me not wat i want and ill nver move not im my current finincial situation i just feel drained at the moment


Well-known member
I used to be in my home town(according to others not my own opinion of myself). Now where i live, i purposely don't want to be. There is too much pressure, too many expectations,(social outings etc.) it got to be ridiculous. I would much rather have a few"real" close people in my life than a bunch of false ones..