Anyone using propranolol?

Hi I m new on this site, i ve been using propranolol for over a year and i m asking for other user s experiences with it.

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
I was on it for six months though this was a couple of years back. I was prescribed it for high blood pressure but the dr also thought it may help with my hh (it didn't) All I can say is the only thing it did for me was give me nightmares. It had no effect on me being calmer or less anxious. I managed to get my blood pressure back down with exercise and better eating. Also a word of caution, never stop taking it suddenly, I was told that sudden withdrawl can actually damage you and that you need to gradually reduce the doseage. Note: I'm no doctor, this is just what mine told me


Well-known member
I did take it before doing presentations. Basically you won't have a shaky nervous voice when you take propanolol. What propanolol does is slow down your heart or prevent it from beating too fast. So basically if someone for example points a gun right to your head your heart won`t race and just beat normal and prevent adrenaline. It makes you bulletproof before presentations.