Anyone used to be outgoing?


the opposiste

Hellraising i wouldnt say i loved attenion, but i certainly use to enjoy it, I was pretty confident wiht girls i had a large group of mates i use to hang out with, and i was pretty confident speaking to older people for someone of my age, I seemed to be able to relate to peple quite easily.So yeah im totaly the opposite of what i use to be


Active member
So what do you think it was that caused you to get SA. I have had this all my life so don't know life without ever having it?


What made me get it

Dragonfly thats a hard question to answer but ill try, I dontt take after my dad very much cos i dont get on with him, so i think from looking up to my mum more, im kinda more sensative than most guys as i take after my mum.With being sensative and some bad stuff happening to me, i think i developed it.I also thing sa/sp is to do with your childhood alot so maybe that had somthing to do with it


Active member
Sorry its just that I have always been shy, so kind of had the personality to develop SA, but I just find it interesting to see how someone confident and outgoing can develop it. I always thought it was just a typical personality trait that got exaggerated. Sorry to hear youve had difficult times.


Well-known member
Anyone else loved being in front of the camera and having your picture taken? And loved being at the center of attention and would do pretty much anything to get it?


upuntill the age of 18 i was definatley more outgoing.. mates gfs etc, the last 6 months have been absolute HELL.

i suppose its a gradual thing that comes on, unless you feel you have had it all your life.

its the most debilitating thing ever.


Well-known member
Not only was I outgoing when I was younger, but I still am under some circumstances. And I can switch from outgoing and apparently confident to "shut down" on a matter of seconds if something sets me off.

I'm not a quiet person, never have been. I'm not shy. My anxiety around people does not extend to performance - ask me to give a speech to 100 people and I'm up there. Ask me on a date, and you will find yourself dealing with a zombie (I shut down outwardly because of the fear), and I may never speak to you or go near you again (ok, I'm not as bad as I was now, but that is what would have happenned before I started treatment).

It's weird, and probably the main reason it took me so long to find out what my problem was and to get help. From what I know, shyness nd social anxiety are commonly linked, but they aren't the same and don't always occur together - you can have a problem with social anxiety but not be shy (like me) - and apparently be shy without having a problem with social anxiety (I talked to an old school friend about it - she was very shy at school, but never experienced the anxiety problems I have, and grew out of her shyness in her late teens).


Well-known member
Hellraising said:
Anyone else loved being in front of the camera and having your picture taken? And loved being at the center of attention and would do pretty much anything to get it?

I like to be the center of attention sometimes,but I'm not outgoing ,Im still quiet and I like it that way :)


Well-known member
Oh Hell Yes! Mr. Out Every Night. Mr. Dance on one of the mini-stages at the club to get the party started. Mr. Come on In free and bring your dance-floor groupies. The guys at the music shop used to ask me what to stock. I was one avant-garde, city-wide mofo. I could go anywhere, eat anywhere, dance anywhere, hang-out anywhere, do just about anything.

Now. Nothing. Pathetic.

What happened? I just partied way too hard, too fast, with no thought of the future. Think Jim Ignatowski, Acid-freak, Jackson Pollack-esque, head case riding the "Zipper" for (6) hours straight, then trying to stand on one foot with arms outstretched.

It's hard to admit but the freakin' acid, dots, weed and all that other sh:t have contributed to my current problems. Say no to excess. Say yes to fun, which can involve a small amount of excess in moderation :D .


Well-known member
I was not an attention seeker but i used to be fairly confident liked who i was and had lots of mates i also have been told i have a fantastic personality and that im really optimistic and funny. But for the last 3 years i lost all that and i been feeling horrible ever since no confidence or anything its bloody awful.