Anyone try herbs, nutraceuticals, homeopathics for blushing?


Active member
I'm very skeptical and always assume that ANY of these types of remedies just work on the "placebo effect" and have no scientific or true medicinal value whatsoever. But I always try to keep an open mind just in case I'm wrong.

Has anyone seen results from these alternative supplements? I imagine that these companies are making a TON of money off of a person's inner belief that they will actually work, even though they might just be sugar pills.


Active member
herringman1 said:
everything is inside our heads..there is no cure..dont get ripped off by these cons

Yeah I'm starting to realize that the only thing that really works are REAL pharmaceutical medications. And even those don't work 100% of the time. It's more like 50-75%.

I even went and had a full on surgery called ETS and it didn't work either. I always sit around and think about my situation and what I must have done in a past life to deserve this misery. Yeah I'm quite the new age hippy type.


Well-known member
I always feel like that aswell like what did i do in a previos life to deserve this misery. I am just hoping that thenext life will be better.

I have decided to definately go through with the ETS surgery, i dont care about the side effects because i know i could not feel any worse then what i am feeling now.