anyone tried Cipralex or Lexapro


New member
So my doctor prescribed me Cipralex (in Canada) but it might be called Lexapro in other countries....
I haven't started it yet because i am scared of the side effects..i don't even know if i should take it.

He gave it to me for a combination of social anxiety, agoraphobia..and general anxiety...but does it really work for these? I don't know how it would. It says it's for depression where i have never in my life been depressed.

I am planning to go back to school and i have severe social anxiety but my doctor doesn't want to give me any more Ativan (even though he only gave me 20 pills 1mg each)


1. Can you explain to me how it would work for my social anxiety?

2. If you have taken it, what was it for? and did it help you?