Anyone see the new Iron Man?


Well-known member
So I've only just seen the new Iron Man film (I don't really like seeing movies in the theater but I did!)

SPOILER: I know this might not be relevant to everybody since obviously Tony doesn't have social anxiety, but I thought that is was really great the was which they incorporated Tony's anxiety and panic attacks into the film. The panic attacks were rather short, though I suppose that was for the sake of the film. Seeing the panic attack could be a trigger for some so warning there, it kind of freaked me out but when I calmed down I realized how great it was that they included it. They treated the subject very well. He didn't just have to "man up", it didn't portray him as weak and so I was happy.

What did everyone think?


Active member
I am biased because Robert Downey Jr is my favorite actor and my celebrity dream I'd love his movies if they consisted of him sitting in the waiting room of a doctor's office or the DMV reading the dictionary out loud. But as a movie aside from him...I did love this Iron Man movie yet.


Well-known member
I like that they put his quirks in the movie too. Now, if I have an anxiety attack and I try to explain to somebody what it's like, I can always say: "It's kinda like the reaction that Tony Starks has in Iron Man."

Maybe that will help them understand a little better.