anyone my age?


Well-known member
I'm 34 turning soon 35. Depending on the situation and depending on my own 'mental status' I feel sometimes like I'm hundreds of years old and sometimes like I'm still just 16.
However, I've lost my youth from the time I was 18 to my 30's.
I've lost the oportunity to enjoy myself and also enjoying my friends, I've lost god knows how many love opportunitys... very sad :cry: .
But what can yo do about it? it's already done...and gone!

The only thing left to do is to enjoy 'today' and try better next time.

No time machine will able us fix up our past.


Well-known member
Tweety said:
Hello everyone.

Turning 33 soon.

I've been like this for most of my life, hoping to turn that around someday.
I wanna meet someone and have a life "normal" life.

Looking for ppl to talk to. More so one on one.

Me too!

I just want a common man's life I don't even try to be somebody special. I just want my little bit of happyness.
I also would like to find people that matches with me to have a more close relationship than that i usually have with people which is probably the way we all today communicate with each others... in a so superficial way... it's not strange that so many people has communicative problems.


New member
I just joined this, and I am 47.

But to tell you the truth, I felt so old at 17, and 25, and 30. I thought life was over at various times, and I felt that I was suffering an unbelievable amount of pain. And also that I had lost so much time.

However I now feel like I was crazy to feel that life was over at 20, or whatever age I found myself; I am certainly old(er), but I hope to have many more years. I enjoy my life, and a lot of my social phobia is passed, so it's easier. I feel young now, but I felt old then. I wonder if this is something that makes social phobics a bit unique.


Active member
just turned 20. i had a customer a few days b4 christmas who asked : "do you have any kids?", how embarrassing, :oops: didn't realise i seemed so old to others. so, right now i feel more like 40 something. :?