anyone my age?


New member
Hi I'm new here :D

I would like to know if there is anybody else on here around my age?

I'm 40 but young at heart
Happy Birthday!!

You say it's your birthday
It's my birthday too -- yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.

Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party.

I would like you to dance -- Birthday
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance -- Birthday
I would like you to dance -- Birthday

You say it's your birthday
Well it's my birthday too -- yeah
You say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you.


Active member
I'm a 26 year old girl and, i feel like I lost out on my younger years thanks to this anxiety crap! friends i could of had and kept , boyfriends i could of had,parties I could of had and attended.....The list goes on sadly :cry: I'm still lacking friends in my life now.How sad is that. :(


Well, if you're 13 then you have plenty of time to turn your life around.

Real life doesn't start until you're like 15 or 16.

Those are the key years IMO.

That's why it really sucks having SA at the age of 17.


Well-known member
shnjb said:
Well, if you're 13 then you have plenty of time to turn your life around.

Real life doesn't start until you're like 15 or 16.

Those are the key years IMO.

That's why it really sucks having SA at the age of 17.

Your whole life is your real life. No age is any more important or valid than another. The earlier you realise you have a problem, the better as you've probably had less time to develop damaging habits to cope with SA. But apart from that it doesn't matter how old you are...Life is long!!! and there's plenty of time. Please people stop thinking you're old when you're young...and that time's running out when there's plenty of it.



I am 31 years young , I have been dealing with SA since I was 16 ! I never got officially diagnosed until 23 ! I know the frustration that comes with it !


Well-known member
kenji said:
Hi I'm new here :D

I would like to know if there is anybody else on here around my age?

I'm 40 but young at heart

18, and mature and young of heart, at the same time.


Well-known member
17, but I feel like my life's over sometimes, even though I know I'm still young! It's weird but I kinda feel really, really old

I have days of total happiness, for no reason, then it's all doom and gloom again. Why is it like that??????? Maybe I'm missing serotonin in my brain or something :?

Depression takes away your motivation to get better as well, which is a bummer


New member
Hello everyone.

Turning 33 soon.

I've been like this for most of my life, hoping to turn that around someday.
I wanna meet someone and have a life "normal" life.

Looking for ppl to talk to. More so one on one.


New member
Hello everyone.

Turning 33 soon.

I've been like this for most of my life, hoping to turn that around someday.
I wanna meet someone and have a life "normal" life.

Looking for ppl to talk to. More so one on one.


Well-known member
Almost 21 here (getting old :( ) i do feel much older,not a good thing :evil:
i do feel like i have wasted my younger years because of this condition,makes me unhappy when i think of what i missed out on :(