anyone know a way to lose weight?


THis Helped me lose over 100 pounds!! :)

Hia, I duno if ur intrested but if your realy into losing sum weight I have a few programs that helped me lose over 100 pounds.. They really turned my life around and are great for any fitness level and any weight level. I highly recomend them!! THere awsom. The links to them are, and ... lol very similar addresses but are different programs. :lol: good luck to you!


Well-known member
Re: THis Helped me lose over 100 pounds!! :)

Kurtis said:
Hia, I duno if ur intrested but if your realy into losing sum weight I have a few programs that helped me lose over 100 pounds.. They really turned my life around and are great for any fitness level and any weight level. I highly recomend them!! THere awsom. The links to them are, and ... lol very similar addresses but are different programs. :lol: good luck to you!

nice spam :roll:


Well-known member
Hmm... I was eager to answer but it's too late now :x

Anyways, the important things have been said. Eating healthy and exercising is the only way to do it. Programs that say you'll lose weight rapidly are NOT the way. And it's not how much you eat, it's what you eat. And you can eat all you want if you can brn the excess calories throug exercise afterward so that they don't deposit as fat. :wink:

At least 5 meals a day. At least 45 min exercise, swimming, aerobic. Body fat are burned at 60-75 % of maximum heart beats/min.

Lifting weights are not for burning fats, but they help a little. They are especially for building muscle.


Well-known member

The person who said stop eating, that is the worst advice to give...

Cause people either will get really sick or wind up gaining more weight cause their bodies have to conserve all the nutrients and fat becaues it won't know when the next meal will come.

Diets are pointless because they just push the wrong idea... Most diets are something done for a few months, even less, and if there aren't those great TV AD results, people quit.

YOU have to exercise. Whatever you do, it's better than not doing anything. Swim, run, bike, hike, lift weights, do aerobics, yoga, and so on. Get into a consistent routine..........

Don't look at it as losing 20 pounds in two months, look at it as you want to look this way for the rest of your life..

You have to eat healthier.. Eat at least 3 meals a day and cut out snacks... Snacking on junk food is what gets many people fat.....Stop drinking beer and stuff like that.

Take the stairs instead of elevator... Park further away when you go to the mall....The list goes on.

Get a training partner...

There are many ways to lose weight..

But don't look at it like losing weight... Look at it as living more healthy because at the end of the day if you set out to lose 50 pounds cause some TV AD or BOOK AD said so and you wind up short, you probably will wind up quitting.......And that just makes matters worse in the long run...............Cause you'll know how hard it is to get into shape and if you didn't succeed before, your mind will be set against doing it again.

Don't look for an easy quick way out...

It's a lifetime process.


Well-known member
I don't eat junk, or fast foods. i eat healthy food and i'm still fat because i over ate and it became a habit...... and i don't need to lose a 100 pounds maybe just 45 lbs. or 50


Well-known member
same rules apply

You need to exercise and cut back on unhealthy foods.

You say you eat healthy, but do you really?

There are tons of people who are relatively healthy who say they eat healthy, but at the end of the day, they really don't.

Eating too much mean isn't good. Eating only certain foods isn't good.

Like I said, exercise, eat relatively healthy, and keep a positive attitude.


Well-known member
yay said:
I don't eat junk, or fast foods. i eat healthy food and i'm still fat because i over ate and it became a habit...... and i don't need to lose a 100 pounds maybe just 45 lbs. or 50

you can eat all the fruit and vegetables you like without putting on weight.
if you make fruit and vegtables your main food source you can still eat as much as you want. try and buy the freshest, best quality ingredients you can as it will taste 10 times better and you won't feel as much like you have been depriving yourself. make sure you eat a healthy breakfast and eat regularly to maintain your blood sugar levels. if you eat regularly you will crave food less and won't be as likely to overeat. you also need to cut out most sugar from your diet..
also make sure you get enough sleep(8 hours) as people who sleep less than 6 hours per night are more likely to be overweight.
also try and eliminate as much processed foods as you can and foods with chemical additives(diet drinks etc) as filling your body with toxins puts your liver under more stress which makes it harder to get rid of excess fat.
if you really hate intense excercise, walking at a fast-medium pace for 30-45 minutes a day will still speed up your metabolism(the best time is in the morning). altenately you can break this up into say 2 twenty minute walks - one in the morning and one afternoon/evening.
the most important thing though is to find an excercise that you enjoy as if you don't enjoy it you won't maintain it over a long period of time.

i hope you something that works for you! good luck!


Well-known member
Ive got the oposite problem. I cant gain weight. Im really thin and no matter what i eat nothing goes on. Im 21 and im really unhappy about my appearance. People tell me when i get older ill get bigger, but Im not so sure :roll:


Well-known member
cLavain said:
renegade said:
Lifting weights are not for burning fats, but they help a little.
Actually, weight lifting should not be ignored by those who wish to lose fat. Read and learn:

That's true. Lifting weight burns calories and continues to burn as muscle requires more calories. Cardio is best for the overall health of your body though.


Well-known member
scatmantom said:
Ive got the oposite problem. I cant gain weight. Im really thin and no matter what i eat nothing goes on. Im 21 and im really unhappy about my appearance. People tell me when i get older ill get bigger, but Im not so sure :roll:
there are three kinds of body types - you sound like an ectomorph which is a natural prdisposition to be long and lean, and not gain weight.
but anyone can build muscle by weighttraining. if you do resitance work 3 times a week and eat lots of protein you shouold gain muscle mass.
even just doing lots of push ups and squats you should see a difference - but you need to push yourself(not to the point of injury tho)do as many as you can in one go and then repeat 4-5 times(that shouldn't take too long if you're stretched for time) and don't do this every day as your muscles won't recover; leave at leat a day inbetween.
you won't gain muscle just through what you eat though, if you're sedentary all day.


cLavain said:
renegade said:
Lifting weights are not for burning fats, but they help a little.
Actually, weight lifting should not be ignored by those who wish to lose fat. Read and learn:

Yeah, I read it. Those article are partially true. It sais that with only aerobic and diet you will lose fat as well as muscle. If the diet is properly chosen, the muscle loss is insignificant. Of course for building an estetique phisique you must do both, but for fat loss especially, aerobic is the thing.

I'll stick to my oppinion. No offence :)


Well-known member
renegadee said:
cLavain said:
renegade said:
Lifting weights are not for burning fats, but they help a little.
Actually, weight lifting should not be ignored by those who wish to lose fat. Read and learn:

Yeah, I read it. Those article are partially true. It sais that with only aerobic and diet you will lose fat as well as muscle. If the diet is properly chosen, the muscle loss is insignificant. Of course for building an estetique phisique you must do both, but for fat loss especially, aerobic is the thing.

I'll stick to my oppinion. No offence :)
np, man. :) But at least we can agree that exercise in any form is a good thing.

Oh, and btw, it's very easy to start off too ambitiously and burn out in a matter of weeks. Make sure you can handle it in the long run, that's what counts.
I know this has been repeated many times, BUT a healthy diet is extremely important, as is drinking lots of water.

If you want to lose weight you MUST exercise, it sucks but that's the way it is. A lot of great suggestions already: walking, bicycling, swimming or any other cardiovascular activity that you like. I really like playing raquetball because it's so much fun that I don't realize what a great workout it is! :)

Another great exercise (especially for us SA'ers) is jumping rope. That way if you are to anxious to leave your home you can still get a fantastic workout! (I can't believe I used to be able to jump rope and sing a song at the same time, now 2 minutes of jump rope feels like my heart's gonna explode 8O )


Well-known member
A good way to lose weight is to restrict your carb consumption. That means no breads, cereals, pasta, rice, noodles, pastries, ice cream, chocolate, lollies, soft drink, pototoes, corn, pumpkin, fruit juice, alcohol etc etc. You'd be amazed how many foods have a high carb content.

After a couple of days of restricting carbs, your body should enter a state of ketosis, which is basically your body converting your fat deposits back into glucose to provide your body energy. The process of Ketosis is sensitive to the presence of carbs, so it's really important that you pay attention to the types of food you are eating, if you want it to work.


Well-known member
oh and i forgot to add, that you need to drink at least 2 litres of water a day to flush out the toxins, and take a multi-vitamin. Also if you want to reduce sugar cravings take chromium.


Active member
I have lost almost 2 stones by sort of following the Slimming Word healthy eating plan. I am now almost 9 and a half stone! YAY!!

I don't bother too much with weighing things all I do is have a medium bowl of cereal, like Wheetflakes, then at lunch I'll have no more than two wholemeal slices of bread with something tasty in. Not much cheese, just a little unless I plan to have some with my tea. I am a vegetarian so I eat Quorn, but that is just as good as meat but very good for you. Then fill up on loads of fresh veg and fruit.

I think it helps to try to change your perception of food. Try to feel really happy with yourself when you have eaten healthily. If you fancy something not so healthy now and again, don't beat yourself up about it just carry on eating healthily. Try to enjoy preparing foods that you know will make you feel good after. Try different fruit and veg from the supermarket. It may cost more than other normal fruit and veg, but not as much as a takeaway!

Drink loads and exercise really does make you feel good, it sends those happy endorphins (or whatever they are!) off in your brain.

I have a waist now!! YAY!!

Just have to lay off the crisps, lol. I love 'em!