Anyone in here got ADD or ADHD?


Well-known member
ye i think i have it to, but im not 100% sure tho cuz i have ocd so it might just be that? i dunno. maybe.



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grumblina said:
I haven't been diagnosed by a doctor. My brother has ADHD and one of the books we got had a quiz in the front, like if you mark eight or more you may have ADD and I marked 23. I know it's not the one with hyperactivity because I'm never hyper but I might have ADD. Is this something you're dealing with?

I definately have it, was diagnosed back in grade school, when it was a new thing, went on ritalin, the whole nine yards. I still tend to be a bit scatter-brained, at times. Co-Mingled with SA, it can really be a lot to deal with... Example: You're trying to get more social with people, and that involves listening to them and paying attention to what they're saying, and sometimes, if you have ADD, you will find your mind wandering onto other things, which can put the other person off! I try to catch myself when I do that and snap myself out of my day-dream, even though sometimes it's hard!


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That's REALLY bad practice on message boards, chav. If you want to get your stars up, post meaningful comments. If you're really desperate to spam, definitely don't do it in the middle of a serious thread.


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I just have to know is being bored, for instance in a class room and you choosing not to pay attention because you believe it supify's you add?

I wont have a problem listing to things that kick ass but I dont want to fill my head up with boring history dates, instead id rather day dream about kicking zombies buts and stuff all with mits. :lol: Now is that ADD.

Because im getting a mixed debate about people with ADD i want to know if I may have it or not. It seems to go both ways