Anyone here used EFT to cure their sweating?


New member
Has anyone here used EFT for their sweating?

I came across it recently and its used for a lot of things (btw I am NOT connected with Gary Craig, the creator).

It looks crazy when you see it (people tapping parts of the body) but it is supposed to get rid of anxiety.

But to work well, I understand that you must get to the root of the problem, the theory goes that if you find the original point in time when you first started to feel social anxiety or embarrassment then you can get rid of it, so you won't trigger sweating again in future.

I have watched some videos but I have to say that it is not working for me yet unfortunately. I would appreciate any "setup" tips if anyone here has done it with success.

Anyone here used it successfully? I found this page but the author does not say whether he used it successfully or not.


New member
Hi there,

I know this is a late reply to your post, but it's better than nothing :)

I haven't personally used EFT for my sweating, but I have used it to clear up my social anxiety problem, and it has worked wonderfully.

Yes, you have the right idea - it's best to get to the 'core issue' in order to overcome your problem.

Can you remember when your sweating started? What was going on in your life at this time?

I visited the site you listed, and it says one of the thing that can provoke sweating is when it's on your mind. Is this true for you? If so, this could be a good place to start tapping.

I'm sure there are people out there who have used EFT for hyperhidrosis, even if you haven't heard of any. Why not keep an open mind and see whether it works for you?

Any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to post.