Anyone here try Desyrel ( Trazodone ) ?


Hello, has anyone tried this SSRI called Desyrel. THe generic is called Trazodone .

How is it for anxiety? Side effects? like weight gain or other things.

Please share your experiences.


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I was prescribed Trazadone (50mg) for night time help sleeping through panic attacks (I was also on PRozac then for panic attacks). Trazadone can cause sleepiness in many people so it is often prescribed as a sleep aid/anti depressant. Taking one pill did ease emotional distress and help me fall asleep. It was a bit hard waking up well the next day but at the time - I didn't care much - I wanted relief. As I got better - then I began to object to the grogginess the next day so I began breaking the pill into smaller pieces. For light anxiety or light insomnia I would take 1/4 of a pill. My friend told me about breaking it up - she was presecribed it for several months to help sleep through deep depression. It helped her - she was glad not to lie awake at night in emotional pain. She would say "if you call me at night call before I take my pill because I don't make much sense after that". WHen she felt better she went off of it.A woman at my church was prescribed it and she was told to 'take 2 or 3'. We now think the doc must have been WRONG. I dunno - she said she was sitting on the floor with her back against the wall and she took 2. SHe woke up the next morning in the same position - having slept without moving for many hours. So my impression is that it is strong (some of us seem more sensitive to it - a man I know was prescribed it when he was hospitalized for mental breakdown and he was shocked that there was any other use for the drug) I appreciated it - I think the only side effects I recalled were grogginess in the morning - maybe some lack of alertness through much of the day if I took a whole pill. Either the trazadone or prozac (or both) may have caused short term memory loss for me. It was subtle enough to me that it took me awhile to figure out what I was forgetting or that I was forgetting thngs a bit more than usual.