Anyone have trembles?


Well-known member

Yup When I am extremely nervous (before and during most social situations). I like to sit on my hands sometimes. Luckly It not noticable physicaly except for my voice.

If I have to speak in front of a group or job interview or to a member of the opposite sex thats my age or certain phone calls my voice will shake.


Well-known member
Same here... I think over the years as it's gotten worse, I've also become a lot more self-conscious and anxious in social situations and around other people (even when I'm not sweating now) that I get the shakes or jitters or whatever you call, basically nervous twitches.


Well-known member
I think I did have to some extent, but I thought it was only when I was really anxious. I thought I could control it in public, besides I tend to hide away when I am really anxious.

But recently at a work social gathering I didn't notice, but somebody pointed out that to me. The thing is at this stage I have had a few drinks and I though I was relatively comfortable with the situation, but I suppose subconsciously I maybe was quite stressed & anxious. Now I am wondering if I get it even when I am not anxious/stressed (like at home), hmm maybe I got some other problems.
