I am 58 this year and a "girl" and spent most of my life in the bush.
I have had SA since I was about 6.
I am pretty positive considering the SA but have my bad days believe me.
I love communicating with other human beings, regardless of age and love to hear about other peoples lives and how they cope with this dreaded thing.
My interests are - cattle, different breeds of sheep (was a wool classer), horsemanship skills, training working dogs, gardening, looking at new country, enviomental issues, hunting (as in feral pests).
Even if you come from the city I am still interested in hearing from you and how you get on and what you do.
One thing that I did not realize was this SA affects so many of our young people. What can we do to help?
Hope to hear from somebody out there!!
Hey I'm from Sydney. You say you love communicating with other human beings so you're very different from myself. But what else do you like? Are you single? Age doesn't matter.


Hi I'm in the country at the moment. I live on 11 acres and have for the last 6 years I love it but I do want to move back to the city soon.

I don;t think it just effects the young ones it effects all ages alot of people have it and don;t even know they have it. It must be in the media alot more now as I don;t listern to radio or watch commercial tv so I;m abit out of touch.
I know I have mentioned SP to councellors and they don;t know what i'm talking about.

My Grandfather had it I think there is alot of people with it and they have no idea that there is a name for there condition.