Anyone ever felt this? :/


Has anyone ever felt like people you're around have no patience for you because you're so shy? :S
I don't know whether it's just me being paranoid but I've been with my boyfriend for over 15 months now and whenever I go out with him and he's with one of his mates or one of his mates comes round to his house when I'm there I'm sure they find me being so quiet tiring because they have to make an effort to talk to me :/

My boyfriend is quite loud, which is a bit odd but you know what they say about opposites attracting haha :] So whenever I'm in a social situation with him and one of his mates I feel like I'm going to be talked over because they're so loud. He tries not to make me feel left out and tries to include me in all the conversations he has, as do a couple of his friends but I still can't help but feel I have nothing to contribute or if I say something they'll just stare at me funny :S

It's really frustrating not being able to communicate with other people properly, especially after I've known them for a while. I think part of my problems must've came from having best friends that were at some point or another complete bastards to me when I was little. It seems like every best friend I've had, I've lost because they've went off with somebody else so I'm afraid of becoming close to people and getting socially involved.

Like when I was gaining some confidence, this girl who was supposed to be my best friend was analysing everything I said or did, it felt like I was under the microscope all the time but since then I've not been able to build up the confidence I had back then. I've stopped speaking to her since early this year but I find it very difficult to talk to other people. It's like I have this voice in the back of my head that says "if she was your best friend and she thought that about you, what's this person going to think?"

I've started college over again this year and I find it very difficult to mix because everyone's so loud and I panic :S It's really difficult and I think about it far too much :[ I just wanted to see if I wasn't the only one feeling this way, so I can feel like I'm not so alone :S I feel like no one I know really understands how I feel in social situations, they don't understand the nature of what I'm dealing with so I feel so misunderstood a lot of the time :[
yes, my partner is really loud and outgoing and after 11 years she still has no idea and continues to talk over me, talk in dialect, ignore me...just now i don't feel like theres a person in the world who knows how i feel.


I know how you feel, it's really difficult, when people talk over you it feels like they don't care what you have to say. That happens to me way too much. I think a lot of people don't understand because they've never experienced it for themselves, I worry constantly when I'm in a social situation. It's really frustrating that no one gets it, it makes you feel so alone :S


I have the opposite problem. When I'm with others and I feel anxious I talk too much and end up looking like a nutter. It's usually others who have trouble getting a word in. I don't mean to do it, it's my learned response to anxiousness!

Most people don't even realise I'm anxious at all, they think I'm just a totally self-centred, loud mouthed person who never shuts up.


Well-known member
My boyfriend is very outgoing and talkative, as are all his friends. People love him cos hes so much fun to be around. He never seems to get embarrassed and conversates VERY easily, and he can talk to someone he doesnt know much like hes known them forever. Sometimes I wonder why hes with me, I mean, i know we have a 1-year-old son but we were together 3 years prior to having him and he has always been content with who I am and our relationship, for some odd reason....... and he has never complained about how I am... I wonder why he thinks the world of me? its so strange, as i'm so dull compared to him.... and he thinks I'm over reacting to my SA, although he has admitted I am a bit quiet sometimes and have occasionally seem ignorant.



Yea, im in college right now, and its pretty much the same as you. I think people are starting to think bad of me, well from the vibes i get though.


Well-known member
Yes, this is so. Most people just don't like to talk the way I do, and I have no idea how to talk like they do. I can maybe say a few standard phrases about the weather and the things I know about somebody and then the conversation stops. I never know what they expect from me, if what I will say is apropriate to the specific role I have been designated in their opinion. So I am continuously in conflict with myself, should I say something that they probably either wouldn't get, grose them out, make them think I am pathetic or just not interest them. Or should I just say nothing? It's usually the latter.
I would love to be around a different kind of people. Not that these arent nice, but I just can't talk to them, and that drives them away.


Well-known member
Yeah exactly the same!

Its so annoying when thers like 3 of you and the 2 people are having a great convo n ur just there wanting the ground to swallow u up

Then when u do contribute they have nothing to say back to you

I listen to peoples converstaions and pick up on how people talk out and try to use them as role models but its jus so dam hard