Anyone else


Lose sleep over things that they had said earlier that day or week..or get angry at themselves? I can't seem to get away from thinking things I said must have made me look like a complete idiot...anyone else get like this...i mean I get so worried that I sometimes would twitch and it's starting to scare me...


Well-known member
I've realized that dwelling on it does no good. It just makes me feel worse. I know I come across horribly & make an idiot of myself, but I just try not to think about it. I'd make myself crazy if I did.


Well-known member
Sometimes. I might say something I regret later or I reflect that I could have handled a situation in a better way. I'll keep going over them in my head for a day or two, but I usually find something new to worry about by then.


At least I know there are others who deal with the same thing,,,any ideas or tips on how to tone it down that you found useful?


Well-known member
I often lose sleep dwelling on the things I've said. Sometimes it's the things I've said that day and other times it can be from instances that took place several years ago, however small or insignificant that exchange of words actually was.
I'm sorry I can't offer any tips for ridding yourself of this habbit but I, like you, am very interested to hear what solutions other people may have to offer.


Well-known member
I just try to think about something more positive. Drown out the negative thoughts that way.


Well-known member

yeah same here.
I loose sleep over silly stuff, like something i said i worry it might of offended the person or i didnt talk as much, or people dislike me for whatever reason

Ppl say try to think postive but its so hard when negative thoughts take over!

anyway yeahh ur not alone :)