All I ever wanted was to be able to grow a good, full beard and have a badass deep voice. I know this seems lame to wish for these things, but I hate having the appearance and voice of a young boy. I really look up to badass, manly figures and wish I could be like them. I'm 19, I wish I could just look more grown up.[/quote
I dont think I can help so much since I'm a woman! hehe. But let me tell you, I've seen pics of my hubby when he was 16-18 and he was so small and hairless. Then, four years ago, he was 24 when I met him, and he didnt look as manly as he does now, he's 28 now. My point is, you are still very young, and some men develope much older than women. U might still be able to change some more in the next years!
But other than that, there are women with all kinds of taste, and believe me, you probably dont look bad at all. Love yourself the way you are (even when it sounds hard to do it) Believe me, once you start liking the way you are people get that energy and start finding you attractive. It's a law that doesnt change or fail. Believe me, I've seen it work in thousands of people. Good luck! You're gonna look better everyday! 8)