Anybody over 40?


Active member
I am 46 and to be honest i stopped using this forum a while ago because it was mostly younger people and i felt that i did not identify so much with them , its hard to talk to a 18 year old about your problems , why dont they have a section for over 40s ?



Well-known member
Our experiences are so similar that age does not matter. Who can tell age by faceless communication?

Btw, I am 42 years young, but stopped having b'days. Nice to know there are SPs around of similar age. What have we been doing to be all alone and battling at this age? Shoooo! :wink:


Well-known member
Anybody of 40

Blade, I finally get it. It would be nice to communicate with your own age group. But the topics I read regardless of age I can say this is me!


Well-known member
Just out of interest. What career paths are the over 40s following?

I am a clerk. Prospects for promotion is zero. With no social skills there is no hope of ever holding a managerial post. Its hard and extremely traumatic. I am capable, but....

I hope to change my life for the better. I have started CBT and I am going to work hard, or should I say try?
BreakingFree said:
Just out of interest. What career paths are the over 40s following?

I am a clerk. Prospects for promotion is zero. With no social skills there is no hope of ever holding a managerial post. Its hard and extremely traumatic. I am capable, but....

I hope to change my life for the better. I have started CBT and I am going to work hard, or should I say try?

Good luck with the CBT. When I tried it, it made me worse. Instead, I found acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and it's made all the difference. The main difference is CBT wants you to change your thoughts but ACT wants you to just notice them.

By the way, I'm a computer programmer. I was going to study engineering but social anxiety disorder sidetracked my studies and career. Now I'm trying to update my skills for the internet age, and hoping to get back on track to world domination ;)


You guys should have your own forum, but I would also encourage you to share your experiences, specially in what have you tried for your SA, what did work and what didn't, what jobs are good for people like us, etc.

I've been attending some SA groups, and I've seen the progress of teenagers helped by senior members, that otherwise would have been in a very bad shape in the next 10 years. All of this with no cost, better than psychotherapy.

I know you want to get better, but also you would feel better by helping others.



I am forty and its been one hell of a journey. I just learned to cope as best I could and got through it all with little or no support other than counselling and medication. I really only identified my problem as SA about 5years ago and that was a big step forward for me. A forum for us oldies would be good, because we face some different issues.


Active member
txguitar68 said:
38 here and still dealing with social phobia
Wow, I thought I was the only one. I am also 38 years old. So tell me, do you leave your house? What do you do on a regular basis? Do you have a girlfriend? What are your days like?


Active member
Hi there , just popped back to see if anything has changed , ive have tried allsorts , am still am trying , finding it very hard though , luckily work is good and as i employ a few bods now i dont have to do any meetings etc , tried all sorts of medication and therapy :( , not sure there is a cure TBH , any older peeps 35ish + wanna talk ill be more than happy , i,m 46 , not that i have anything against younger peeps but i just cant talk about these things with people that are the same age as my kids !



Active member
I am 39 , 40 within 2 months and my phobia is worse than it used to be :roll:
Sometimes i convince myself that this social anxiety will disappear someday, but other days i am scared of growing older and older this way.
I have tried a psychologist for 8 months but it didn' t work and now i' m not motivated at all, anyway, i think i have to look for another one, a good one this time. :roll:


Well-known member
AnxiousGuy said:
I'm pushing the 40 range and I have to admit....there are some issues that the mature crowd has to deal with that the younger crowd doesn't.
We all have similar challenges though.
Wanna start a 40 plus support group?

Couldn't agree more. I'm 34 and there is a different kind of pressure and intensity involved.

Wanting to be a parent (particularly if you are a woman) is incredibly challenging.

Sometimes you feel that you have a very limited time to get things right whereas someone much younger has time to make a few mistakes.