anybody have a mentor?


Well-known member
----What are you thinking?
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
-- Proverbs 23:7
Your mind is built of thoughts. Every moment you must think, and each of those thoughts serves to make you the person you are. Layer upon layer, your thoughts accumulate, and define your very character.

You can escape the judgment and scrutiny of others. You can hide your true intentions and secret purposes from the world. Yet you cannot escape your own thoughts. Eventually, they will make you or they will break you.

Thinking is a matter of control. Your own thoughts don't just "come" to you -- they are created by you according to your purpose. Strong, uplifting, life-enhancing thoughts come from following a benevolent purpose.

What you think, matters. Even if no one else listens, it matters. Thoughts are the building blocks of your life. If they're weak and crumbling, they just make a mess. Choose to make them strong and steadfast, and you can build upon them, layer after layer, to greater and greater heights.

-- Ralph Marston

--Are you willing to change?
Your life right now is the result of the things you have done up until this point in time. If you want your life to be different, you will need to make changes.
Wishing for a better life won't make it so. In order for "things" to change, you must be willing to change. That means getting out of your comfort zone. It means facing your fears. It means you may need to change your career, your friends, the food you eat, the clothes you wear, where you live, your daily schedule.

You are remarkably adaptable. If you've made it this far, you have already gone through many major changes in all aspects of your life. From being an infant to a toddler to a child to a teen to an adult, the first few years of your life were filled with constant change. You are certainly up to the task.

Almost always, the fear of change, the fear of the unknown, is worse than the change itself. Once you understand this, then you realize that it is easier to change than to resist change.

There are things you need to do, changes you need to make. Go ahead with them. Don't waste your energy fearing them or resisting them. Dive right in and do what needs to be done. Change is a constant part of life. When you fear it, it will happen anyway, out of your control. When you embrace change, it will enable you to reach your goals.

-- Ralph Marston

So do it
Do what needs to be done. Say what needs to be said. Listen to the things you need to hear. Learn what you need to learn. Explain what you need to explain.
Rather than constructing elaborate methods for avoiding these things, or elaborate excuses to evade them, just get them done. Instead of letting things slip and continue to weight you down, get them done and let your actions energize you. The avoidance of effort is just as difficult as effort itself yet avoidance accomplishes nothing positive.

Success is not always easy, yet it is for the most part simple. The way to accomplishment is not hidden. It is in plain view. You can see what must be done. Stop fretting. Quit worrying. Don't complain. You know what you need to do. So do it.

-- Ralph Marston

I enjoy reading this guy's advice. It be very nice to find a mentor that i could go to and have conversations about stuff like this. Anybody have a nice, intelligent, wise and humorous grandpa to loan out? I would talk to mine, but i misplaced my shovel. :roll:


Well-known member
I find that life is my mentor. We can learn from everyone if we are humble and listen.

Of course there are mentors whom we will encounter whom will have walked the steps we our self would like to take. They are like precious jewels we find in which our wishes are fulfilled by considering their example and advice.

Everyone on this site is a teacher, an expert in their own personal world of suffering and as anxiety experts we should all listen to each other. We are our own mentors, our own saviours. We may be given the best advice in the world but if we fail to listen to those who know, test the advice like a scientist would test, then we learn nothing. So we must be smart and be our own mentors by asking our self, “what can I learn from this person?”



Well-known member
Nope, but I do try to listen and apply what others have taught or try to replicate from what I've seen. It's not easy though.