Any success stories?


New member
A quick look at the profiles and pics and seems many are "younger" on this site teens and early 20's and that's fine by me. Just looking for some success stories from people who are fighting the good fight so to speak.

I don't know where I actually fit in the SA world, but it is definitely in there somewhere.

I'm successful, have a house, sports car, etc etc... have had relationships, but for as long as I can remember crowds, groups, and social enviroments are ALWAYS A NO GO FOR ME!! So, inside I'm dieing, or at least trying to negotiate my way out of what most consider fun and enjoyable settings.

My work is mostly solitary by choice, and I'm perfectly fine in 1-2 person enviroments. I have no problem sharing my life story in that type of setting no matter who they are......if anything I can share too much information.

That is where the buck stops 1-2 people!! Concerts, clubs, beaches, festivals, anyting with lots of people or when the spotlight is solely on me within a group I will find a way to not go or be a part of it. I've turned down more invites than I care to think about and only 1-2 people on the planet know that I suffer from a (self diagnosed) SA condition. Most say I'm funny, goofy, smart, buff (I can't go to a gym though too many people :)), deep down inside I'm doing all I can to avoid crowds and be a part of the mix so to speak.

It's summer I've avoided fishing trips blamed it on work, avoided 2 parties, a memorial day cookout, a wedding, a trip to Florida because I just can't be around groups. I have no REAL friends because what do I do? I don't do anything that isn't solitary or work it really limits me. I have to be very careful with dates because outside of a movie or dinner........there isn't much more I'm really up least in the regards to being social. If it's just US that's fine I actually think I excel in that arena.........

I'm happy I enjoy my life........I feel pressure to be """"""normal""""""" especially the older I get :)

Bring on the encouraging stories or vent it's all good and thx.
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Well-known member
I mostly have the social phobia when I have to crete a personal relation with people.
I can easily be around strangers, like at a concert, on the street, etc.

Yesterday night was a succes for me ; I went to a concert with a girl I recently met, and we have sort of become pals. So at the concert I even met her other friend, and I didn´t feel uncomfortable, well a little nervous but everything went well. It´s good for me to be at places where many things are going on at once, distractions like live music ... Because if I have to sit down and talk with people and I "can´t escape", I get nervous, I feel that I´m weird and different, etc.