any one here try paxil and did it help ?

Solo Dolo

Well-known member
YES! i took paxil and it worked wonders. now i take the cheaper alternative which is like the exact same thing...its called Pexeva. They both work great!!


It worked pretty good for my depression, though I did lose my appitite for a little while.


Well-known member
Paxil was one of the first drugs I tried. I was either 14 or 15 when I started it. Nowadays they really don't encourage giving teenagers antidepressants.

I'll just say that I have a few scars, some bad memories, and wallboard where the plaster used to be on my bedroom walls....

So no, Paxil didn't help the teenage Tiercel.

Fear of people

Well-known member
any one here try paxil and did it help ?

In Australia...where I live, my doctor prescribed me (Oxazepam serepax) for anxiety and (temazepam normison) for insomnia. I combine the two drugs together when ever I'm having a panic attack in public.