Any misanthropes?

Are You a Misanthrope?

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Well-known member
Would anyone here characterize themselves as a misanthrope? Do you hate members of the opposite sex? Hate your own sex? Hate children? Hate adults? Are you cruel or sadistic to others? Do you use other people for your own gain? Can you only feel your own pain? Are you one of those timide polite guys teeming with self-loathing and abject malice for those around you? Do you feel schadenfreude? Are you a compulsive masturbator? Do you have sadistic fantasies? Do you treat animals cruelly? :(

I've known a few people with SA who were like these. However, most were very caring, patient and sympathetic.


Well-known member
It sort of sounds like you're asking if there are any sociopaths amongst us. If that is the case, I must say, I doubt one would realize if thry are. They say you don't realize you're crazy.

In any case, I would not describe myself in that manner! lol would you?


Well-known member
Me. I dislike people very much. Would never be cruel to an animal though! I'd kill myself first. Animals are the only nice, innocent creatures in the world. Love animals, hate (most) people... I'm not exactly cruel & sadistic but well...I have wanted to do cruel, sadistic things to people so I guess the sadistic fantasies applies to me(though I only think of doing things like that to people who deserve it--and I always thought that was completely normal?). :?