Any girls never had a boyfriend?


Well-known member
I'm in high school and I've never had a boyfriend... Never kissed a guy either. (Don't have any friends, period).
I'm emotionally afraid of being too close to people. I feel uneasy when people know me too well so I'll start to distance myself from them. Whenever someone tries to get to know me I shut them out and become angry that they are trying to get to know me. So I deal with the problem by avoiding people at all costs.


Well-known member
I had a 'relationship' with my best friend when we were in elementary school. We must have been friends for 5 years. He lived about an hour away and every once in awhile I'd go to his house to sleep over. We used to snuggle up on the couch together, sit in front of the fire place and watch romantic movies. We'd pick out birthday and christmas presents for each other. Nothing happened...haha, but we were just like an old married couple. That was back when I was outgoing and friendly. We sort of grew apart after our families stopped talking to each other. Kind of was the closest I've ever gotten with a guy. I've talked to him recently over Nexopia, but it's just not the same. Anyways, to answer your question, I haven't had a boyfriend. I've only have one guy friend. I just don't feel comfortable around them.


Well-known member
Count me in.
I'm 17, a senior in high school, and have never gone on a date, had my first kiss, or had a boyfriend (obviously.)

It seems like the normal age for all of this is around 14. Each year I keep thinking that this will be the year, and then it never happens. I know I can't expect it to magically happen when I don't change my own ways, but it's too terrifying to even consider approaching a boy.


Well-known member
Sacrament said:
I've never had a boyfriend either.

I am a guy, though.

And straight.

So-- good.

Same goes for me lol

I think it's easier for females with SA to get into such a relationship than it is for men because the males are expected to make the first move, so most reasonably good-looking girls (not to imply that the girls who posted in this thread are ugly) will have the guys come to them. just my $0.02


New member
I'm 21 and I've never had a boyfriend despite having a lot of offers from really lovely guys. I have a lot of guy friends and find talking and flirting quite easy (this is a huge development for me! I never used to even be able to talk to guys, so yeh it is possible to change :) )

But for some reason I freak out at the idea of letting someone into my life. I think this is to do with the social anxiety, its like a really huge fear of judgement by someone who I like.

Its really frustrating me at the moment because I keep turning down guys I actually like because I don't think I could deal with the stress of dating. I turn them down because I know if I say I will go then I will just avoid the date, and this would be far worse.

I don't know what to do about this and I would really like to hear if anyone has any ideas or has the same problem. thanks!


Well-known member
Laraluna said:
I'm 21 and I've never had a boyfriend despite having a lot of offers from really lovely guys. I have a lot of guy friends and find talking and flirting quite easy (this is a huge development for me! I never used to even be able to talk to guys, so yeh it is possible to change :) )

But for some reason I freak out at the idea of letting someone into my life. I think this is to do with the social anxiety, its like a really huge fear of judgement by someone who I like.

Its really frustrating me at the moment because I keep turning down guys I actually like because I don't think I could deal with the stress of dating. I turn them down because I know if I say I will go then I will just avoid the date, and this would be far worse.

I don't know what to do about this and I would really like to hear if anyone has any ideas or has the same problem. thanks!

I have the EXACT same problem... I can flirt and hang out and be friends with guys, but the minute they show interest I freak out, ESPECIALLY if I like them too. The more I like a guy the more I want him to NOT like me because the stress of having a relationship would be too much... even though that's the one thing that I really want right now. So frustrating!!

I don't know how to help you (obviously) but you're not the only one with this problem... it sucks.


Well-known member
megalon said:
Sacrament said:
I've never had a boyfriend either.

I am a guy, though.

And straight.

So-- good.

Same goes for me lol

I think it's easier for females with SA to get into such a relationship than it is for men because the males are expected to make the first move, so most reasonably good-looking girls (not to imply that the girls who posted in this thread are ugly) will have the guys come to them. just my $0.02

Please don't start another of those debates. This forum is full of them! :roll: :wink:


Well-known member
A word of encouragement - I was a complete loser in school, unattractive, had a terrible SA, couldn't make friends, assumed anybody who wanted to talk to me just wanted to make fun of me, and of course never had a boyfriend. But I met my first boyfriend at age 24, married him at 25, have 2 great kids and we're still happily married 6 years later. So don't give up hope!

My best friend didn't have a boyfriend all through school either and just got married at age 30.

Too bad though, getting married and having family doesn't make SA go away. I'm not lonely anymore but I don't like to leave the house, currently don't even want to go to the grocery store. When I do go out I still feel like people are staring at me, don't like me and wish I'd go away. So finding a man doesn't cure everything!


Well-known member
coriander1992 said:
megalon said:
Sacrament said:
I've never had a boyfriend either.

I am a guy, though.

And straight.

So-- good.

Same goes for me lol

I think it's easier for females with SA to get into such a relationship than it is for men because the males are expected to make the first move, so most reasonably good-looking girls (not to imply that the girls who posted in this thread are ugly) will have the guys come to them. just my $0.02

Please don't start another of those debates. This forum is full of them! :roll: :wink:

My bad. didn't know it was a touchy subject :oops:


New member
Good to hear I'm not the only one! I feel so ridiculous sometimes, really wanting a boyfriend but not really able to cope with dating and all that.

At the moment I'm feeling rubbish because one of my housemates has a new boyfriend and although I know I couldn't deal with the idea of a date I really wish I could. I'm feeling so jealous of her being happy, I annoy myself!

I compare myself to my friends and feel so abnormal. When I'm hang out with couples, or my friends get partners I get really anxious. I don't know whats wrong with me!! I should be happy for them, but instead I get upset because I am only really feel comfortable around single people.

So I refuse the opportunity to date or have relationships, but I get upset when my friends do get partners. Why do I do this?

Sorry if this post isn't very clearly written, I'm confused and don't really know how to express the problem properly!


Well-known member
megalon said:
coriander1992 said:
megalon said:
Sacrament said:
I've never had a boyfriend either.

I am a guy, though.

And straight.

So-- good.

Same goes for me lol

I think it's easier for females with SA to get into such a relationship than it is for men because the males are expected to make the first move, so most reasonably good-looking girls (not to imply that the girls who posted in this thread are ugly) will have the guys come to them. just my $0.02

Please don't start another of those debates. This forum is full of them! :roll: :wink:

My bad. didn't know it was a touchy subject :oops:



Active member
I had a girl friend once and it was 12 months of my life down the drain. Too much effing drama if you ask me. If it doesn't have an off switch, I don't want to know about it.