any experiences with Clonazepam?


Well-known member
I take it, it makes me soo sleeepy. but it also mellows me out and make me feel more calm. I think it helps more with the physical symptoms of anxiety, instead of the mental. Like fidgeting, and stuff like that. It DOES help, though.


Well-known member
I take it, it makes me soo sleeepy. but it also mellows me out and make me feel more calm. I think it helps more with the physical symptoms of anxiety, instead of the mental. Like fidgeting, and stuff like that. It DOES help, though.[/QUOTE

do u feel it working as soon as u take it or does it take a while before it starts making u feel better?


Well-known member
It takes about an hour for me. I only take 0.5 milligrams..I think that's the lowest dosage. If I take two of them I fall asleep.


Well-known member
I have taken it and for me at least it helps alot. I become calmer and therefore more socialble. It makes me not thin twice about everything. For me I can feel the affects about 20-30 min on. I take 1mg


Well-known member
I have taken it and for me at least it helps alot. I become calmer and therefore more socialble. It makes me not thin twice about everything. For me I can feel the affects about 20-30 min on. I take 1mg

what do u mean by more sociable?? and not think twice about everything? i just get this extreme anxiety and paranoia. im desperate to try sumthin that will help me.


Well-known member
I really like taking Kpins and they really help me. One time i had to give a 25 minute presentation in spanish (with a partner) which is something that really makes my anxiety bad an i did so well on it my professor told me i should be a teacher becase im so calm. little did she know i was on klonopin haha